1. i love how people think I'm a pothead at the skatepark. But once they get to know me, they don't realize I'm still in college, working on a Bachelors's in motion graphics. And my social media is filled with case studies based of my research. I barely post of me skateboarding or even smoking, i don't let these hobbies define my character. Yet to this day i wonder how damaged my lungs are.

  2. I do 3-4 weeks of smoking into 1-2 weeks sober constantly. Very slight irritability and feeling boredom for the first 1-2 days but I just become more active both physically and mentally. It works wonders for me and that first spliff after the sober period always hits absolutely godly. I personally believe it´s all about finding the balance.

  3. I been smoking really more since 2020 started and It got me through the pandemic lol, and yes the more high I get the less alcohol I drink and I save more money by smoking weed , alcohol is the devil 👿 and made me waste so much money on drinks girls and etc, but if I get high I can enjoy simple things like reading a book watching movies or listening to music 🎶 so weed is the best thing in life but just remember to get things done lol.

  4. I quit for 6 months and saved $5000. Never be so clear headed and focused. I was more focused on my appearance and upgraded tremendously. Unfortunately started back smoking, thinking I could manage and fell completely off. It deters your judgement. I'm quitting for good.

  5. smoker for around 2 years here, everyday. i recently just stopped smoking for a healthier self and none of this happened to me, only things i noticed where an extreme increase in energy and very weird dreams and lucid dreams.

  6. I am 54 years old, and smoked since I 16 . I played it down with no problem. No depression, no anger, missed it for about 2 weeks. I don't think people get hooked on like most people say, it's in your mind. Now cigarettes is a total different story. Now I don't miss smoking pot, and need not start again, 80,000 dollars a year is why I can't smoke pot. Funny how they don't if you drink and get drunk, or even do hard drugs. Most drug screens people can do hard drug and be clean in less then a week. Now pot stays in your system a lot longer , depending on how much fat your carrying. They really need to legalize it, and stop putting people in jail over it.

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