Benefits of Full Spectrum CBD Oil For Dogs (19 CONFIRMED Medical Benefits)

Benefits of full spectrum CBD oil for dogs with 19 amazing ways CBD oil benefits your dogs health. ***FREE DOG HEALTH GUIDE [5 Easy Steps to ‘Health …


  1. My wife has ovarian cancer or did stage three they had too much to take out when they opened her up they were surprised sent her home put her on chemo we put her on CBD in the Rick Simpson oil within six weeks her tumor numbers came down to 20 which is normal from 2000 they opened her up the second time on the operation and the tumor was obliterated there was just bits and pieces of it left we never told the doctor what we did but this stuff really does work we use dog dewormer along with it for a 10 pound dog three times a week now we have a dog that’s got a brain tumor were starting to use it I will give you further notice how it works on my dog he has bad seizures and disoriented terrible

  2. Dan is there a reason why you say use a glass dropper🤔 My dog didn't want nothing to do with a glass dropper . As soon as I switched to a plastic dropper my dog loved the drops??? She literally sticks her tongue out for it now

  3. I just received my order of organic full spectrum CBD oil 250 mg. What is your recommendation dosewise for a 17 yr. old, 5 lb. Maltese. She has bad left leg/hip joint pain, and I want her pain to go away. I really enjoyed your upload..full of wonderful info about CBD 🙂. Thank u!

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