1. Joe: "I'm issuing an Ex Order to get US Gov't to carbon neutral by 2030 to reduce harmful emissions, helping protect the environment and slow global climate change.'

    Also Joe: Has a 747 with F16 escort fly him, family and limited entourage all over the country, and world, on a whim.

  2. IPCCs best guess is that world ocean's will rise 35 cm by the year 2100. One foot! Even if it happens, who cares? And 1 centigrade warmer climate 2100 isn't a problem even if it would happen.

  3. Price controls were abysmal failures.

    Only the free market can discover prices, not central banks or govt central planners.

    Eviction and foreclosure moratoriums, "green" economy mandates are another form of price control, which will have disastrous consequences.

    There is no such thing as "unintended consequences", only "unavoidable consequences".

    They either planned this debacle, or they were too stupid to see it coming.

    Either way, we've seen their work and it is unacceptable; terminate their participation with extreme prejudice.

  4. Dont worry biden will not know whats going on 2030. They are clowns. They clearly have not done the maths what it will take for that to happen.
    You had better call Tom Cruise for MISSION IMPOSSIBLE.

  5. All this can be solved as soon as Uncle Sam allows point-zero energy devices be manufactured …. yes, they existed sine at least the 1940s, look into it, the inventors have been silenced and their devices confiscated …. read Thomas E Bearden’s Energy From Vacuum

  6. As of 2020 61% of electrical generation in the US is produced by fossil fueled power plants. Tell me again how all the electric cars, etc, are going to work carbon free?

  7. Meanwhile they cutting and burning millions of trees and forest, did anyone thought about volcanos around the world that one volcano eruption pollute 100x more than the whole world industry in 10 years, ridiculous

  8. This whole thing is a joke. I have two friends who are fully medicated, two doses, and both got sick and the one had to admit himself to the ER because he had such a bad splitting headache. This whole thing is “fishy” 🧐🧐🤨🤨

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