1. If it's legal or not it's gonna be used. Your choice if you want taxes on it or not. I think they just want to put people in jail over a plant 🤦 cmon idaho it's not 1930 anymore

  2. Well first off medical Marijuana invites the wrong element of people into the state that start growing Marijuana illegally & use up the supplies of water . Illegal growers steal water from every source possible to stay in business ! Despite the big money illegally being spent on drugs & marijuana monthly it will never account for the amount of crime that comes with illegal drugs the revenue collected will never account for the the cost of crime that will come in to the state of Idaho !

  3. Imagine telling someone they don't have the privilege to possess too much cannabis depending on the need for their condition, this is ridiculous

  4. Scott Grow's bill is being advanced, and supported, from a position of uninformed ignorance – par for the course for Idaho's GOP. Rubel's alternative isn't perfect but at least it takes into account the legitimate science and medicinal value of cannabis. Unfortunately, as long as Idaho remains in the stranglehold of its current crop of ignorant and backward GOP idiots this situation will improve little.

  5. You ever heard of the 4th amendment or see how the "drug war" has been completely lost? You know like how the Dare program actually increased drug use amongst minors. Government putting people in cages for not harming anyone is tyrannical!!

  6. This Bill is a great step. I want all drugs to be either legalized or at least all drugs decriminalized. It’s not the governments job to regulate what we choose to put in our bodies.

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