Can you smoke pot when TTC? Some REALLY surprising findings about marijuana and fertility

Marijuana use in the USA is exploding. Millions of adults in early childbearing age report marijuana use in the last year. Can marijuana use impact your fertility …


  1. I have my daughter when I was 15 I’m 20 I had a couple of miscarriages throughout my teens year I’m 20 now my daughter just turned 5 I had a laparoscopic surgery 2020 I have no endometriosis and the doctor told me that I was absolutely fine to get pregnant I’ve been trying but I haven’t stopped smoking and I haven’t tried taking prenatals but I didn’t do any of that before I got pregnant with my daughter I just didn’t smoke weed but I never took a prenatal so what would be causing me to not get pregnant I have pretty normal cycle that seven days I keep trying I’ll miss my period for a while and then started at the end of the month like I’m on my period in the beginning in the month very painful and heavy

  2. My periods been so abnormal since I got off depo provera. I only get one every three months my cycles are 65 days long usually. I’m gonna stop smoking and see if this is true that it affects fertility . I’m gonna scream if this is the reason I have issue.

  3. Hey Dr. I am a male 20 years old I do not have any less of a sex drive or anything like that however I do chronically smoke pot and I have for the last two years can this make me sterile I’m extremely worried. And Ken coughing too hard sometimes hurt your testicles ? Having children is the most important thing to my life and I smoke out of a bong to

  4. I’ve had two miscarriages both unexplained. One miscarriage they hinted (Restricted growth) both pregnancies were early in the first trimester. To be exact I was 6 weeks with the first and 7 weeks with the 2nd.

    I’m wondering if the cannabis which I was smoking before falling pregnant and during caused my miscarriages?!?!

    The doctors said my ovaries and other bits were fine on all the scans and they couldn’t understand why I ever miscarried…..Please help….

  5. I’ve had two MMC in a row . It took us 1 yr to get pregnant . I don’t smoke or drink however my husband has been deceptively smoking CBD oil behind my back . Has this contributed to it ? He s in denial everytime I mention it caused damage .

  6. My sister tried to get pregnant several times,she always quit with smoking weed/cigs the moment she knew she got pregnant.she failed several times(
    Miscarriage). the last time she kept on smoking weed/cig and she got a healthy baby. Weed helped my sister get pregnant. so it all depends on the type of person you are imo

  7. I’ve been using edibles following my mums death in 2017 to help me sleep, having unsuccessful ttc it has become apparent the weed was drying me out. I have stopped now in hope that we do get pregnant! Wish me luck 😊

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