Consumers on a Roll Discussing Pre-Rolls, Author of Ask a Stoner

This week, Ask a Stoner fielded a question from Kenny, who asked: “Should I even consider buying pre-rolls anymore? Half of them have been barely smokable the last few times I’ve bought packs.”

Herbert Fuego’s response

: “Pre-rolls have been and still are the hot dogs of legal cannabis. They’re cheap, ready to consume, and largely made with the snouts, hooves and buttholes left over after all the prime cuts are gone. There’s a handful of decent pre-roll brands filling their cones with quality flower, and that’s great as long you’re willing to pay upwards of $15 a piece. But if we’re being honest, most of this product category is doodoo made up of old, gross plant matter.”

And those were righting words to lovers of pre-rolls and hot dogs. In their comments on the Westword Facebook post of Ask a Stoner, readers rolled out plenty of opinions on pre-rolls. Says John:

 If it gets me good and stoned, I could really give a fuck. I’m no pot snob. Not gonna complain if I can walk five minutes and buy it legally.

Counters Exekiel:

Never buy pre-rolls; it’s just floor bud and trimmings

Adds Woody: 

It’s like buying cheap cigarettes.

Responds Alex: 

Lol. I don’t even care. I love pre-rolls. Just get the infused pre-rolls. Also, I’m the worst joint roller. That guy in the article is a wet blanket.

Suggests Josh:

Should just change this section to “Ask a Weed Snob.” He also doesn’t seem to know what he’s talking about. I rolled joints for a company; they were made with broken-up buds, the same exact buds we would have been selling normally, and they weren’t 15 bucks. And if they’re “unsmokeable,” you just loosen them a bit by rolling them between your fingers. It ain’t difficult. A lot of people don’t even smoke it like a joint, they just put it in a bowl a little at a time. Kinda like buying a gram already broken up and with no stems.

Counters Nikki: T

That was a good company, then, because most of the joints out there are made with tumbled-to-hell shake and trim.

Adds Kenny: 

I’ve seen companies roll dried-up dead bugs as kief in their joints; a lot of pre-rolls are trim. Pre-rolls are garbage typically; it’s always  a better option to buy the flower and see it first-hand, then roll it yourself.

Explains Moira:

 Most people should assume preprolls contain trim, unless it’s specified that they don’t. Most concentrates and vape carts use trim, too: Unless otherwise specifically marketed and then advertised that they don’t, assume they contain trim. To be fair, even trim joints are 500x better than the weed that existed when our parents were smoking, so everyone calm down. Buy the herb you can afford and be grateful we live in a state where we can enjoy this medicinal plant!

Concludes Elise:

 Nothing goes better with a box of wine than pre-rolls.

What do you think of pre-rolls? The quality of legal weed in Colorado in general? And how about Herbert Fuego? Is he a snob? Share your thoughts in a comment or email [email protected]

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