Damage in Melbourne CBD from 6.0 magnitude earthquake

Victoria has been hit with a 6.0 magnitude earthquake at just after 9am this morning which was felt across the whole state.


  1. When cops assault anyone defend them it's legal to do. Butcher the cop in WA learnt the hard way tasering a father for nothing. His son tackled the cop giving him massive head injuries. All charges got dropped self defense of his father.

  2. Fantastic! The DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) have been blown up by the White Hats. Trafficked children rescued and the tunnels demolished. It was NOT an 'earthquake'. Lockdowns were for the people's protection.

  3. "Democracy will diminish quickly and wicked dictatorships will rise […] Uprisings.Ā  Earthquakes. Floods. Climate change. They will now escalateā€¦"

    Book of Truth, March 3rd, 2011

  4. You just got your warning shake from God himself to stop pushing this vaccine on his people. You people have no idea what's coming. This is straight out of the book of Revelation..Wake up!
    John 3:16-18

  5. building trades shut down for 2 weeks ! wellll who is going to fix the building damage? some would say that this is a warning from god….? what if the ground opened up and swallowed up all the riot police? what if !!!??? most unlikely

  6. Wake up boys and girlsā€¦ Tradis are no more or less important than anyone else in our community
    You people have been working in the protected industry last year and this yearā€¦ Whilst many other people have had to forego their incomes and their experience you people have been getting special treatmentā€¦ And you didnā€™t have the good graces to stick to the rules and protect the health of other Victorians while youā€™re at it so itā€™s consequences time. Instead of blaming the premier or anyone else for your predicament how about owning your own responsibilities.

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