Does Cannabis Have a Role in Cancer Management?

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  1. Cannabis is so mild that anyone who needs pain or palliative treatment, they should try Rick Simpson oil.

    The medical profession has harmed itself and in the interest of rebuilding trust, this is a good place to start.

  2. Medical Cannabis and a Good Diet are a medical necessity for all those of us who have been innocently and ignorantly consuming such hard to avoid mitochondrial poisonous polyunsaturated Vegetable oils in our diets and got one or more of many more modern thus metabolically caused diseases and CANCERS. These barely existed before about 1900 when industrially manufactured Vegetable seed oils and foods started becoming available. You need to exclude all manufactured snacks, takeaways, restaurant fried and manufactured foods to avoid all these vegetable oils. The ideal solution for ultimate healthy longevity is to go fully VEGAN and take Cannabis Supplementation to boost your damaged Endocannabinoid System until you are better (maybe 2 years or so) while getting all vegetable seed extract, typical industrially refined cooking oils out of your diet. You certainly can use some polysaturated animal food-based oil/fat, that is in all animal products if you are not quite so ill or worried about living as long as reasonably possible while remaining perfectly healthy. Best luck from your optimally self reeducated and friendly family Dr David who wants to see you be actually cured of all the modern diseases that are definitely so dietary-based in origin.

  3. My husband who was very infected with colon cancer with metas to other parts of the body, he was even seen to live for 6 months.  Living for the family was a living hell with sorrow in the heart, but today I am telling the world that cannabis oil saved my husband from dying out.  He is still alive and we are in the 10th month.  God is so great.  Thanks to Dr. Alex James that sold the hemp oil to us that we used in curing my husband's illness.  Once again I would like to thank Dr. Alex James for his wonderful Hemp Oil we are now happy to have my husband back alive, strong and healthy.

  4. God bless Dr ozuka for using his natural herbs to cure me of Hepatitis B virus, i contacted hepatitis B from my Ex and ever since then i was devastated and confused until i came across Dr ozuka and how he has cured so many people so i decided to contact him for help and he actually cured me, you can reach him via drozuka@gmail. com and ger the cure you seek

  5. Cannbais does cure cancer. According to Prof. Dedi Meiri who is a pioneer in cannabis research, it is the combination of 3 or 4 cannabinoids which cures different cancer most effectively. Go check his works for more information.

  6. I eat, smoke and vape hemp and weed. There is now, Delta 8 THC, which gets you stoned, but better, its like WEED2.0, totally legal, just new to the market, my friend has an online store with the D8 Vape carts, you will get high in a good way, its so strange. element earth cbd or early bird cbd I think has them. If you like Delta9 wait till you try Delta8!!! 🙂

  7. This guy is being very biased. He is not including the case studies of CBG, THCA in large doses and tumors actually shrinking. In many cases it worked quite quickly as a matter of fact. He fails to mention the anti inflammatory properties, anti-emetic and antimicrobial properties of cannabis. He fails to mention the thousands of cases where ingested capsules of concentrated extract or suppository cannabis combined with a low carb diet, or just high doses of a full spectrum of cannabis, or even just THC in some cases, has unquestionably shrunk tumors or altogether cured cancer. Did anyone hear him mention the human cannabinoid system we were all born with at all? I didn’t. Biased research is not research and is not suitable for presentation as “educational “.

  8. My wife shrank her heavily treated recurrent ovarian cancer on cannabis alone. (BRCA-, P53+). After 18 rounds of chemotherapy, two major surgeries and a year of Avastin she is out of options. on no other treatment she shrank her tumor, just like the mountains of pre-clinical data suggested she would. CB receptors are severely overexpressed in ovarian tissue. 25 mg of THC a day kept the tumor knocked back.

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