Have You Tried CBD? | CONAN on TBS

CONAN Highlight: On the advice of his accountant Perry, Andy recently invested in a company that tells people about telling other people about CBD. Subscribe …


  1. CBD promotion is so obviously politically tied in with legalization. I’m all for marijuana legalization except for the fact that it is so inextricably linked to politicization. Marijuana legalization is another brick in subverting America by virtue of recognizing what marijuana represented in the 60’s. Legalization would ultimately represent a success against anything that is thought of as traditional by providing an example of how wrong America was in the past. In other words that is one step closer in trying to prove a case for how evil and oppressive America is in contemporary terms. This narrative is a political power play.

  2. CBD only works to its fullest potential with minimal amounts of THC to activate it. Cannibinoid receptors are only activated with THC. Other wise you're wasting your money.

    Have you tried CBD?….with minimal amount of THC?

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