How much CBD should I take? Beginners Guide!

The NUMBER ONE QUESTION people have when talking about CBD Oil is dosing! While there are many answers to this questions, we go over the direction we …


  1. Be careful to not take high dose
    You can over sleep
    And beware what are you buying
    Full spectrum does not mean everything
    How much cbd does it contain
    3%_5% 10% or 20%
    The higher it is the more Benefits
    But you also can’t take to much
    It’s will make you drowsy and heart will pump fast

  2. You're the addict. You decide. There is no correct dosage cause no real long-term medical studies have occurred for this unregulated product. Buyer beware. You have no idea what is in that bottle and there is NO ONE bothering to find out to protect the consumers, ie the FDA and other State Health organizations are NOT monitoring any product. You are on you own.

  3. Soo im assuming 0.5ml 160mg 35% cbd, is a lot ??
    Please help i weigh 150 pounds and am a first timer in CBD vaping, i just ordered mine in the mail ill have by next week

    Please Help thanks

  4. Yeah .. this guy looks EXACTLY like a doctor. I'd believe anything he says. Especially since he's doped up on coke …based on his snorting. I'm sure his GF was impressed though.

  5. For Pain/ Arthritis

    10 – 32mg of CBD suggested dosage: to be taken 1X in morning and 1X in evening

    • 1-2 full dropper of the 600mg CBD Tincture Oil (each full dropper contains approximately 16mg of CBD)
    • 1-3 full droppers of the 300mg CBD Tincture Oil (each full dropper contains 10mg of CBD)
    • 1-3 CBD Gummies (each gummy contains 10mg of CBD)

  6. Listed below are few recommended dosages for different ailments.


    20mg of CBD suggested dosage: 1X in the morning and 1X in the evening

    • 2 full droppers of the 300mg CBD Tincture Oil (each full dropper contains 10mg of CBD)
    • 2 CBD Gummies (each gummy contains 10mg of CBD)

    Insomnia/Sleep Disorders

    10 – 32mg of CBD suggested dosage; taken 1 hour prior to bedtime

    • 1-2 full droppers of 300mg CBD Tincture Oil (each full dropper contains approximately 16mg of CBD)
    • 1-3 CBD Gummies (each gummy contains 10mg of CBD)

  7. Anxiety, i have problems getting myself a job because of my anxiety. I think too much. I just wanna relax and dont give a damn. But still think clear. I wonder how much…

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