Inside Canton medical marijuana dispensary

Ohio`s first licensed medical cannabis dispensaries will open on Wednesday. Among them is The Botanist in Canton.The state`s medical marijuana program …


  1. Marijuana helps to deal with most of the diseases, all you need is a medical marijuana card from a trusted source. My MMJ Doctor is an online booming platform to provide medical marijuana cards in most of the states in the United States.

  2. My state (NC) is always on the fence of allowing CBD buds. Every now and then the local hemp store has to take all of their buds out, and only sell dabs and carts. I have smoked weed in legal states, however I’m tired of the strict laws. As a non cannabis smoker, I support those that smoke everyday, all the time, and rarely. I’d rather see a stoned joyful man, then a drunk rage filled man.

  3. Looks like an expensive head shop for members. I was previously a Michigan medical cannabis patient..and from my experience with dispensaries in Michigan I know that the price of cannabis even there is too expensive to use medicinally. It is double here in Ohio. Ohio government is greedy…legislation has been passed so that Ohio government gets all of the money generated by cannabis, so dispensaries have to double the price so they can make a profit. That leaves the price of cannabis too expensive for most people to buy the medicine. The plant should be able to be grown..that would bring the price of cannabis down. End this government monopoly on cannabis now…people are suffering due to laws, greed, and money.

  4. I get that a lot of patients are thrilled that OH has finally decided to allow medical cannabis sales, but I have to be honest, the whole thing is very frustrating to me. Of course, I'm glad they've finally done it, but the system requirements and limitations are Draconian, to put it mildly. The consultation process and fees are convoluted and can be too costly for low income patients. Also, the limited list of qualified medical conditions is frustratingly limited. I guess I'm not surprised that the Republican controlled OH legislature is both late to medical cannabis sales and woefully inadequate in its approach. We should already have FULL legalization, at this point, and the facts that patients are still having to jump thru ridiculous hoops and incur high costs to get the medicine they need, and adults still can't legally buy or use cannabis, are infuriating to me. I'll celebrate when cannabis is fully legal/decriminalized at the federal level and available for any adult to purchase, as it always should have been.

  5. This is why street cannabis will survive..don't smoke state cannabis,they use pesticides and chemicals.that the FDA doesn't return you get chs.since the small grower got fucked with legalization.when store like walmart,get involved.stores like u see here won't make it.true cannabis smokers don't give a fuck how nice the location is. Ohio state is 6 yrs behind the game.when hospitals start getting the people coming in with great stomach pain and t up.its state cannabis…

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