Introduction to hempcrete, hemp oil, hemp wood and more..

Hemp is finally legal in the States and it’s changing the building construction industry. In this video, I cover the most popular industrial hemp products: hempcrete …


  1. Hemp is a gift from God. Houses built with hemp can last 700 years. Self insulated no heating or cooling needed with 12 inch walls. The idiots that made this illegal caused environmental havoc that caused the earth great pain. The US military have used Hemp for All their uniforms. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hello! Really enjoy your videos. We recently discovered load-bearing hemp blocks by "Just Bio Fiber Blocks" located in Canada. If possible, we would love to hear your opinion/review of these blocks. Owner, Terry, has several videos and can be easily reached by phone. Thank you and looking forward to more videos from you!!! Jeff and Darlene

  3. Hemp IS Cannabis Sativa.
    Difference is that hemp is the name used when speaking about the plant grown for industrial purposes where cannabis (latin name) is more commonly associated with psychoactive properties at which point the term marijuana is also used to refer to it.
    Main difference is as you have pointed out the THC content due to legality. Now comes the funny bit – Cannabis grown in the colder climate (e.g. Europe, North America) usually doesn't have enough THC and you need a hot and humid climate for the plant to produce THC. It's the same plant though, even if the plant would change through generations to addapt to the climate (say seeds brought from warm humid grown plants would produce more thc in the cold than their local counterparts, but this would level itself out in a generation or two; also vice versa). This is why plants grown for thc are usually grown indoors – to simulate these tropical conditions.

    Great video overall, I just could not leave the canabis/hemp/marijuana scheme at the beginning. People should know it's the same plant. Nothing positive or negative, just how it is.

  4. Apologies if I'm missing something obvious, but would it be possible (or advisable) to fill Fox Blocks with hempcrete? Or would you still need some kind of additional structural support?

  5. Marijuana sorry is the name that is used since prohibition in America so pleas that is all cannabis plant with a different use and genetic types.

  6. Again, the definitions that are used here are not correct.
    This webpage like many others tries to claim that hemp is higher in CBD than marijuana. This is a misunderstood technicality of a definition. Hemp is not more likely to be higher in CBD than other forms of cannabis. The reality is that you can call it hemp if the THC level is low enough otherwise it automatically fits in this category of technicality that requires the name be marijuana but it doesn't change the plant or its genetic origination. It is still cannabis they're both still cannabis. If someone is growing marijuana for the medical marijuana industry and that strain ends up with a low enough amount of THC then they can call it hemp and sell it on a more open market. It is not a different plant but a different definition that falls onto the same plant based on the amount of THC that grew in that plant specifically. For instance I have been purchasing a strain called AC DC high CBD from the legal market for the past two years however the last strain I tried to purchase had too much THC in it and could not be sold,
    this was not a different plant or a different strain a different genus a different anything whatsoever other than too much THC formed when that plant grew, so it was no longer allowed to be called and sold as hemp.
    however there was absolutely nothing different whatsoever about this plant other than technically THC was above the allowed level to call it hemp
    and it was not any different of a plant than it was at any previous other time that I purchased it except for the amount of THC that grew into this train therefore caused illegal definition name change and restricted the sale of that particular crop. I therefore had to go to the dispensary and get low THC high-CBD flower.

  7. Great video, but you are a bit misinformed. Two types of cannabis are not "hemp" and "Marijuana". There are in fact Three types of cannabis, they are known as Cannabis Ruderalis, Sativa, and Indica.

  8. I support both types of Cannabis, Weed for recreation, Hemp for all it's uses, and as a fast growing plant I believe it's a good CO2 sink. Useful for the current Climate issues (to put it mildly).

  9. Just found your videos Belinda! We seem to share a lot of views on what constitutes good functional housing! From my own research hempcrete seems like the ideal material along with a timber or steel frame. But I was wondering, hempcrete is so new, is there real world evidence for the claims of long term durability, pest resistance, mold resistance, etc., on a big enough scale that it can be taken as true? Thanks and please do more on hempcrete! My favorite material at the moment.

  10. Hi Belinda, awesome video & thumbs up. In South Africa, we have been exploring Hempcrete. My partners & I are developing a greener/eco form of concrete, through Biochar. I have researched hempcrete & have theorised that; that combining hemp to our Biochar base mix will mitigate the lack of structural integrity from hempcrete, in our opinion, hempcrete lacks the compressive strength needed, while showing good signs of tensile strength. Our Biochar cement mix lacks tensile strength while offering superior compressive strength. We attribute this to the lack of silica & is due to the lack of traditional stone & sand aggregates normally used with concrete. I believe hemp can provide the missing silica due to its composition properties.

    Our Eco building products are still in development stage & we in SA are still waiting on the legalization of cannabis farming, so we can carry our concept forward.

    Anywho great video & thank you for sharing the knowledge!

  11. thank you for the nice advicec, but please you can make the same video but slowly, the talking ist to faast !!!
    because my wife have brest cancer, and we are very intrestet because the hemp oil,
    because my friend have heald his father from brain cancer. !!!

  12. That is so awesome that you could make it and mix it and make it into like a brick and your house would have burned that's awesome it's something amazing I have never heard that before from the hemp plant

  13. just came across your video and i love it. I think this is the perfect time if any to use hemp in construction to help mitigate climate change. we can cut down our co2 emissions but we also NEED to pull carbon out of the air in tandem. Hemp concrete can pull some of the carbon out while being used to infrastructure. i just have serious doubts the people in power are actually go to do something, and not just keep everything the way it is until they die, which is no longer their problem.

  14. You may want to add in the picture of hemp the Buds for high CBD hemp. While still being under .3% THC = industrial hemp . THC in regular marijuana doesnt start at 17%. Much lower actually.

  15. 17% – 30% is very high concentration of THC and I don't think 30% has ever been actually even achieved. Some companies have claimed they have something near that but have always been disproven when analyzed in a different lab. 15% THC is already quite sturdy, 5% to 10% is considered medium in Dutch companies.

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