Is Marijuana Ever Okay for Christians?

Use of marijuana hasn’t traditionally been a “gray area” for Christians. The drug was illegal, so it was off-limits to those who are …


  1. Weed actually is the reason I got to where I am in the state of mind I am. Before I smoked I was living in a very good Christian home but I didn’t have access to friends and the outside world, I was stuck behind trees and a lot of land. They taught me about God growing up and I respected my grandparents so much I actually fell in love with the thought of God but I wasn’t invested in God at all tbh. I was invested in Porn, Politics, A lot of Lying and Stealing and I couldn’t keep a job. I was hopeless, I ended up smoking weed and eventually I left my security job that paid 14 and went into a work at home job paying 19. Big change, though I got kicked out because I still had sneak issues and I smoked weed in the house, I’m greatly sorry for that. But anyway now I’m still working the same Job I’m happy, I listen to KJV YouTubers who talk about for hours God, I got a Apartment that I’m moving to soon, I ramble on “Jesus loves us all, Life on Earth is meaningless without Gods Love”. I could ramble on but basically, Smoking got me invested into God more and I asked God to help me Stop watching pornography and I stopped, I will soon stop smoking because it’s not allowed in apartments but This was a great experience. God Loves All, And Weed is Created by God so I feel that in a way it was a key to unlock my faith.

  2. Pharmakeia. I think its good when its used as medicine. But you dont want to use drugs for divination or sorcery. But sometimes it is really a medicine, if your mind is sick, but if you dont need it dont do it. Once God reveals himself to you, psychedelic drugs are no longer necessary. Im just rambling tho, do your own research. Read your bible. Ask God.

  3. Only Jesus knows our hearts.

    It is not what you put into your mouth that defiles you, it's the words that come from the mouth.

    Pastors and Priests are not your intermediary.

    The Bible translation can be found in 8th grade English.

    Read your Bible constantly. Study.

    I smoke weed. I love Jesus Christ.

    Take the plank out of your eye before you take the blot out of your brothers.

    There are only two things God asks us to do from the Old Testament…celebrate the Passover and follow His Commandments.

    For all other guidance listen to Jesus Christ.

    Christianity is not about being perfect. We are not perfect. Only Jesus was perfect.

    You who are without sin, cast the first stone.

    As adults we tend to forget we are still like little babies to God. And like a father to His son, God is forgiving. Through His forgiveness we experience His love.

    Read and pray. Also God to reveal to you what you need to remove from your life to strengthen your relationship with Him, and He will oblige. It might not be how you expected it or when you expected it, but it will happen.

    Forgive and love.

  4. I gotta keep it a buck. Most christians are way to strict. I understand Lust, fornication etc but Marijuana? It doesnt make me want to sin. It actually makes me very empathetic and I can smoke and drink with sinners just like Jesus did minus the smoking. Jesus drank wine as well. Did he not? If this herb makes you stumble by al means don't smoke it! If it doesn't and actually is a good thing in your life, enjoy yourself and don't feel guilty. Too many human conviction in this walk. Seriously. I even heard one conviction of shaving before you go on the altar for respect. Marijuana isn't bad unless you abuse it just like food or anything. Moderation ppl. Not everything sends you to hell.

  5. I was saved selling pot to a Christian that preached to me….radical about Jesus, Ive had my heart carved up by many a “Christian”, but weed has been consistent throughout my 27 years saved, finally being open about it. I attended a fundamentalist church that would shock the membership to find out the pastor’s kids all smoke, and his daughter used it for seizures. His cowardice helped me suffer in secret… I wish he would have told the church, then all the secret potheads could come out of the closet.

    Man, the stigma is still FELT, but I’m gonna be vocal. You don’t have to smoke weed as a Christian, but if you do, do it before the Lord, and be a little more open to people and you might find all sorts of secret tokers.


  7. I was a heavy marijuana smoker from age 14 through age 23. Eventually, abstinence from cannabis (and other mood altering substances) became an act of obedience & repentance to the doctrines & conduct of true Christianity. – L.G.

  8. I don’t think being high is necessarily a sin. I have autism and am a Christian. I have my medical marijuana card. I believe when I get high I am able to communicate with God And Jesus and the Holy Spirit way more. But I’m starting to think I should only buy from the dispensary and only eat edibles like when I’m home not working on my days off I can eat edibles when I know I’m going nowhere that day and just communicate with the Holy Trinity. Using marijuana also makes me talk more about The Holy Trinity to people and share my experiences of The Holy Trinity. I see numbers like 333 and 33 way more. I am given visions and see colors when I’m high.

  9. Bruhhhh omg its so simple the bible talks about alcohol AND drug use. Its not a sin, smoking it can be because any smoke damages the lungs. Eating it is not harmful at all. It just takes discipline, if you do it like once a week thats fine and in moderation and its not out of need. If you’re doing it everyday then its a problem. Also look at the science of it these guys obviously are immensely biased and some of their arguments are just false compared to scientific evidence.

  10. From what have learned and seen, cannabis was given to us by God, and it is the most BENIGN substance known to mankind, I don't see anything wrong with using cannabis as a Christian, and i know God doesn't have as much of a problem as people think he does with it either. Jesus also did use cannabis oil in his healing oils, that's been proven, so before you agree with this and just throw is to the wayside, educate yourself. Marijuana has helped more people in the world than any other medicine in this world.

  11. Christians are forgetting that kanneh bosem (cannabis) was burnt for incence to be inhaled requested by God in the tent of tabernacle where god met moses. And cannabis was used in the 7 holy oils.
    But christians choose to ignore that

  12. Tbh I think the reason marijuana causes people to disengage themselves from life and relationships is because of the stigma. I mean think about it, if you use marijuana regularly because Alcohol isn’t your after work relaxation choice, you’re disqualified from any real job other than Walmart, and you feel out of place because people make you feel out of place when it comes to using cannabis.

    Then the argument Cannabis also makes people more engaged, because it makes you see the good as well as the bad in situations and you can appreciate the current moment you’re in, rather that being college sports that’s about to come to an end Or reflecting on your attitude lately and how you’ve treated people because it puts you in your thoughts, especially if you’re alone. It just helps appreciate/see the current moment.

  13. I used weed to escape reality. The mistakes of my past haunt me on a daily basis so I'd turn to weed so I'd travel to another dimension. But I now know that the burden I carry can be taken to the Cross and left there. I need to seek God and its from Him that peace which surpasses all human understanding will be upon me. Instead of drowning in psychedelics, I need to drown in God's love, mercy and forgiveness for it is only through Him that the sins of my past will be truly washed away and I'll no longer be a prisoner of them. Amen.

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