KUWTK | Kris Jenner & M.J. Eat Marijuana Gummy Bears | E!

To alleviate Kris’ mom’s chronic back pain, M.J. uses edible medical marijuana and urges Kris to try it. See how papa Bruce reacts …


  1. So Bruce is against MJ the drug that really isn’t a drug in my opinion that grows freely that God put there and by the way was probably legal in California when this aired but he’s hiding his transgender life style and everyone is supposed to be ok with that but not with medical mj that helps countless elderly not have to be in horrible pain! I’m now sixty and have degenerative disc disease along with fibromyalgia and joint pain and it is so painful and I just feel like a big lump of pain because I can’t think about anything else, I can’t quilt or paint or clean my house or do anything if I run out of my pain meds! I have friends who rely as much on their mj weed as much as I do on my pain pills! Not everyone is a millionaire like Bruce Jenner who had servants and the best doctors Kardashian money could buy so at sixty and above he may not need help with pain but the common man does. If it helps his mother in law he should shut his mouth and move on!

  2. I mean I kinda understand Bruce he has kids in the house and though its medicinal there still young enough to think its ok to do any other drugs and besides even if a little weed doesn't do anything bad if they take to much of it it can hurt them

  3. Bruce is a prude… What a joke he is I hope he doesn't pay his way to governor like maria did for arnold. That's why bruce wanted advice from kris she knows people and he would be a shoe in for governor if kris would pull the strings I hope she don't..

  4. Mariguana it is not a drug is and herb the help so many ppl for centuries.
    And the bad propaganda came from pharmaceutical company , Who rather treat ppl with chemicals, So they can make millions.

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