Marijuana: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Under federal law, even legal marijuana is illegal. John Oliver explains why conflicting drug laws pose serious problems. Connect with Last Week Tonight online …


  1. I find it funny people in the comments are talking about marijuana causing schizophrenia and bipolar but doctors literally have been prescribing the most addictive opioid we know of and killing people with addiction, weed isnt addictive or dangerous even walking is more dangerous than weed

  2. How do I get back the weed (I bought legally in Redding CA because I do use it as medicine) from the federal law enforcement that took it all from me for no reason and pressed no charges, I wasn't smoking or anything, I was just honest with them when they approached me for zero cause and engaged me in conversation…now I'm just sol? I don't think so, and treating me this way will only end best with me throwing my life away that the state of CA has treated like trash in the first place and they'd accomplish their goal and be lucky if I stop caring and just let them win, but if I'm not treated fairly at some point then I promise I can easily erase 1 or even a few corrupt cops or punk ass prosecutors b4 they even see me coming…but I'd at least like and ask for a chance to try it my way just 1 time to see if it can fix the broken system, or if fails to rebalance the one sided scales of the unjustice system, don't decide or assume it would fail without testing it or the only failure in their positions of authority would be them who play God, judge, or controller with words and actions of ignorance, entitlement, selfishness, fear, disrespectfullness, cowardice, and bullying…and if I can show the people one time how justice can truly work inside and outside the system then none of those would be actions of a righteous and just "Civil Accountability Services, Corts Operations, and Oversight" or C.A.S.C.O. for short…

  3. Yet another reason I'm grateful and blessed to have been born in Canada. Our federal government made the decision to completely legalize marijuana for medical and recreational back in 2015 and now it's one of our fastest growing industries and largest employers.

  4. This is what medical marijuana has done for me: within a few short months it eliminated all of my antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications, both were addictive! It improve my vision, I could see the full moon clearly! It improve my hearing, I put my hearing aids away. (10% documented) I had to cut my blood pressure medication in half, the only prescription drug I still take. It even eliminated my 40 Years of lactose intolerance! I now feel happier and healthier than I ever have in my life!! Don't take away this life-sustaining medication from me!!

  5. Cannabis helps people, it causes less damage to the liver than almost any drug, and it can be used IN TANDUM with the use of other drugs or treatments like pain medication, radiation, or other anti anxiety or anti depression drugs

  6. That PTSD story says it all. Props to you, dude. I've been on steroids for years. Long story short, I ended up having a terrible reaction to them. Having raging panic attacks at 3am. Super high BP and HR. I can't imagine going without my klonopin. (The government is regulating the shit out of benzos too.) It takes what it takes!

  7. Will people in 2050 look back and feel bad for us being treated like criminals for doing nothing wrong, but only enjoying themselves? It's been 50 years people. 50 years of racist oppression. And finally (in the year of 2021) we (in Germany) can have some hope on being treated like normal people, as we are, for simply doing something that makes us happy. 50 fucking lost years. I'm so sorry for my parents' generation. And so angry at these assholes.

  8. Solomon Pavlov
    People on drugs make spiritual handshakes, especially with other drug users or minds around them or that they remember. They try and grasp schizophrenic patients mostly because most schizophrenic patients have fled drugs. You can put them in a bowl and name them angels or demons and call yourself 'Solomon'. People who haven't used drugs cannot experience this because it is like a locked door that has never been opened. Thus, things like witchcraft and Occult take on a different meaning. After quitting they gain weight because they may become used to a certain level of reward in their system. Then they are manipulated by clever fast food techniques such as Pavlovian response. People who never used drugs are affected much less by everything. They live in a mystical wonderland. They should understand many items through history are due to drug use. Some may even view a small amount like a circumcision because most of the world has been affected. No guarantees on that though. Many people become tortured patients (like me). Basically, the only gain comes after you quit. 30 years ago I did just that and spent most of my time studying and in and out of the hospital. You decide which would be worse.

  9. Jefferson Davis Sessions as Attorney General in 2017. A prime example of Donald John Trump skipping over proving he's a human being in order to prove to his rich GQP Boomer contributors that he's one of them. 'Nuff said.

  10. As a white guy who has been arrested for possession, I was surprisingly NOT shocked by that statement. The cops were really nice to me and went out of their way to get me back to my vehicle so I could get to work. They almost forgot to give me a sobriety test… which I pretty much failed but I told them that I have a bad knee and am uncoordinated in general. I have the feeling that if my skin tone was darker, the story would have been very different.

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