MLM TOP FAILS #30 | Kangen rep not caring about logic, Young Living Silver Retreat #ANTIMLM

I am creating these videos for entertainment and educational purposes. Please do not contact these people on their social media platforms or send them hateful …


  1. That income disclosure is a straight up (somehow less specific) copy of the income disclosure for VIC Beauty, another really new MLM. And now my researcher skills have been activated and I must know where they both got it. Bets on "boilerplate legalese they ripped from somewhere else" anyone?

  2. These faith manipulation tactics using prosperity gospel bs are showing how most religions use these tactics to keep people in that religion. I've said it before, religion is the OG pyramid scheme. No product but the promise of a better life/afterlife. Just pay to take these religious courses or drop some money in the basket, or pay for this retreat. Same ol, same ol.

  3. Welcome to Utah, a literal desert. The second driest state in the continental US. That's what most of our landscape looks like, not gonna lie. Except for the golf courses, but I don't need to rant about how much they wasted water this past year during one of the biggest droughts on record.

  4. As a person of faith myself, this is pretty gross, along the lines of "Prosperity Gospel" (where, if you just "trust" and give money to a church, God will make you rich and successful).

  5. Thatā€™s awful re lavender fields! My cousin got married at a lavender field in upstate Michigan and it was GORGEOUSā€¦ absolutely beautiful! I should now ask if they sell some of their lavender to MLMs šŸ¤£

  6. Creativity and logical are not mutually exclusive… I feel a bit bad for MLM Boss Babes, but because they drag others down with them it's only a very little teeny tiny bit.
    šŸ¦€ šŸ¦€ āž”ļøāž”ļøāž”ļøšŸŖ£

  7. OMG YES HANNAH about the amount of time a rep is in correlating to the circles the run around getting to the point!

    And regarding God doling out blessings:
    "You get blessings! And you get blessings! Ope, and none for Gretchen Wieners, BYE"

  8. "I began to imagine what life would be like at my dream rank" – like, couldn't someone working in corporate kind of say the same thing? "I began to imagine what life would be like at my dream position" ..

  9. It's not immediately clear unless you do a deep dive, but EYO is basically a sub mlm within Enagic and, alternatively, a backdoor recruitment tool into Enagic. It's a ~business leadership~ / "spiritual mindset" group where Kangen water becomes the focus and cure to all mental and physical issues. People either find EYO first and are sold into Enagic, or Enagic distributors find it and become even deeper entrenched in the company. There are numerous branches/teams/segments of EYO under many names but they all follow the same principles and convince people Kangen is a lifestyle, not just a predatory business & an overpriced water machine that doesn't even come with a purifier

  10. 26:21 ā€œthis isnā€™t the point that Iā€™m getting to, the point that Iā€™m getting to isā€ā€¦ that youā€™re hungover and still a bit drunk from the night before? Because you sound an awful lot like itā€¦

  11. ā€œIā€™ve sent out paperwork thatā€™ll make me $10,750 in commissionā€ . . . is this MLMspeak for ā€œI DMed everybody on my contacts list in hopes that theyā€™ll all buy something and Iā€™m counting that as already earned incomeā€?

  12. MLMs prey on people who feel disenfranchised (mainly women) and then make them feel guilty for it because all their problems would be solved if they just joined the MLM…and the circle continues. They ALL talk this way, and use the same psychological manipulation, some are better at it than others, which makes those people dangerous.

  13. I think some of these top leaders get lucky and have a friend or family member help them out. They immediately place people in the right spots to make them go to the top of the compensation scale quickly therefore they make money right away. Once they see how much they are making they figure well itā€™s not me thatā€™s losing money. Instead of understanding that in order for them to make money someone else is losing money or going into debt trying to achieve this lie their up line keeps selling them. Thatā€™s why they need to understand that their moral compass is faulty.

  14. Iā€™m sorry. Is Ms. Monat also wearing a whole ass VERSACE ROBE IN THIS LIVE. In front of her life size poster. Talking about an EGO. Jesus Christ that is just too good.

  15. Yes!!! I was just trying to articulate to a friend the fact that these people go on and on and on with some vague word salad that always ends up back in the same place. If anything it highlights just how lame this ā€œopportunityā€ is. They can never just come out and say it because they have to twist your mind first. Itā€™s so sad!!

  16. Yo, remember when Jesus went and flipped tables because greedy peeps were monetarily taking advantage of poor people IN the house of God ? Or when he got his disciples to leave their businessā€™ behind to help people for FREE? Guess the MLM boss babes must have missed the part of the Bible that didnā€™t fit their narrativeā€¦šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

  17. Correction: $68,000 is the livable US income for a family of 4. Sorry, didnā€™t notice that detail before I said it in the video! I looked it up real quick while filming. But yes, a single person can live comfortably on less than that šŸ˜Š

  18. In the US a liveable income is 68.000 a year?? Wth. I live off of less than 1000 a month.. granted I live with my partner but they dont earn more than 1000 either since I am a student and they work in customer service.

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