1. Lucas just to give you a heads up, your ad placements are.. A bit crap to say the least. I have no idea how it works, whether content creators have a choice of ad placement. But the first was some suspect scam about how to get 300% extra strength doing some "trick" in the bathroom. The second was some cringe advert about men's.. Dick size. I think it was called "Hardinsta". I love your channel and your content. I do think it's a bit dry sometimes, I would like to see more of "you" ie videos like this. You certainly deserve more eyes and ears on your content. Maybe the YT algorithm doesn't approve of channels like yours (it's possible!) but I'm sure on other platforms (Odysee, Bitchute) you can reach more people just by adding your content to there also.

  2. Interesting! 1. I mixed my own preworkout supplement – big bottle of powder. Got extreme diarrhea – tested 3 times. Threw everything out. 2 5HTP + tryptophan in same time – got dizzy for 2 hours.

  3. You tried some crazy shit! I really like All your information. Curious, I have been wanting to try a supplement ACP-105. I have heard some really good things about it with almost no side effects. Have you ever tried this? I have been struggling tremendously to lose belly for over 10 years if not longer. It doesn't matter what I do it just won't go away. According to my 23 and me genome, I'm predisposed to have 7% more weight than normal. Whether that's true or not it's hard to say. Curious what your thoughts are?

  4. Pls bro post a vid
    For hair loss
    I am using champo to block dht in the scalp ia am using ghk cu peptide to block DHT but no improve , probely you have know something to stop hair loss and regrow hair:) i Love your vid bro tanks for you help continue with a good job

  5. I think anything you use too much of will get you into trouble my policy is to go get a full blood test and see from there most woman are low in iron specially the older they get and with the monthly cycle , as for CBD i presume it was a synthetic CBD because i was diagnosed with COPD many years ago and doctor told me this is it we cannot do anything with that , in desperation my one friend in USA said try CBD oil and with in 24 hours the symptomes were gone so too my chronic sinus i had for over 40 years , turned out i had too much of an overdose in paracetamol , now i make my own cbd oil it is high in vitamins, minerals and cannabinoids , nothing more no toxic substances nada , we been on this now almost 7 years three drops every night before bed and in 6 months were off all our chemical meds one thing i did learn in this time , medical doctors are brilliant in diagnosis but they do not heal anything they only make you comfortable(manage your condition iow) , with in the first week my husband had to start dropping some of his high blood pressure tablets , for his blood pressure dropped too low at that time he have been using high blood pressure tablets for over 40 years and were on 4 tablets daily , when we started changing our lives around the medical doctors went mad in three months my husbands diabetics 2 was gone , best is to go see a naturopathic doctor i only study and follow them online we changed our diet because of one and my husband lost 42 kilos(+- 92 pounds) , can check him out on youtube, Dr Glidden 12 foods to not eat , we did go onto vitamins and minerals as no one can eat the right amount your body needs Dr Glidden can explain that too to you main thing for me is dont ever over do it with medication , good example is if you need anti biotics it normally is round a ten day course , you will not go and take all ten the first day would you ? so dont do that with any other natural thing you want to use as meds , you did mention curcuma did you know that brings down your blood pressure fast too ? try it i make capsules of it and take two once a day

  6. My biggest mistake in my health journey? Switching my focus from physical workouts and stress management to energy and mental sharpness. I started looking for anything legal that could help me work 18-20 hour travel nursing shifts while still performing at a level that facilitated optimum patient-centered care. The racetams, modafinil, adrafinil, cyclazodone, dihexa, etc., were all supplements I made sure I had available. I'll always do uphill sprints, compound strength training exercises, cold showers, Wim Hof breathing, intermittent fasting and my niacin regimen. I take many Natural herbs in powder form so I can mix them in water and slam them while working a travel shift. I'm still very health conscious, but I lost my focus. Nootropics used to be a nice addition to my health regimen, but slowly became my dominant interest and borderline obsession. Nootropics are fun to experiment with, but one should never rely on them. Ironically i think TUDCA and 9 me bc will help me get back to my neurotransmitter set point. Thankfully I don't have Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If I did then my brain chemistry would be in a state of chaos. Moderation in everything except stoic philosophy and positivity.

  7. Diggin your content as always bro, but you absolutely must fix the issue of the audio and video not being in sync!! I've noticed it on a couple of your videos now and it's distracting af

  8. 8:50 why is it that you felt full fat milk was unhealthy for you at the time? I drink full fat milk regularly and I tend to generally feel like crap also, I wonder if they’re connected. Is full fat milk deleterious to health?

  9. Amusing 😏
    The drug trial I can relate to.
    I did 2 in the UK. One was 21 days…locked in a hospital ward, no sun, fresh air and yeah, the shit food.
    Although I'd KILL for that much CBD – I'd sleep like the dead with that, but I need that much for it to do anything.
    All other CBD products are absolutely piss-weak – I'd need to take the whole bottle.

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