In an interview with FOX 13’s Mark Wilson, he discusses the issue. He also weighs in on a recent poll showing high favoritism for the legalization of it.
Lol… LMFAO… Are You Kidding Me?… I Have An Idea, Let's Vote Yes On Amendment 2, Then Vote To Replace This Deuce Bag Who Will Make Up Any Excuse In The Book To Keep Arresting People For No Reason Just So He Can Make Money Money!!!
In July of 2013 the pcso fired a deputy for conduct violations for having an alleged relationship with a know drug user. Now admitting to fully knowing that John morgan's brother uses marijuana(currently illegal) and admitting to being "very good friends" with him would be basically resigning, correct?
I don't know what's scarier – the fact that a Sheriff with a Masters degree can be this fucking moronic or that he keeps getting re-elected. Start voting these fucking morons out fellow Floridians. Enough is enough. The police agenda is to keep the police budget on track. That happens in no small part due to trumped up counts of fictitious crimes. The violent crime rate is on the decline everywhere. Stop the #ZombieLies  Stop the militarization of our police. Stop these ridiculous draconian laws. All over a  100% non-lethal substance that any adult is capable of deciding whether or not it makes sense in their lives. Your children are not in danger anymore than they were with alcohol or pharmaceuticals (except those CAN kill people and DO every day.)
Judd is the damn fraud, the problem in Polk county with his screwed up system, they falsely charge people all the time and then use the real criminals to his advantage as informants(snitches) to bad Judd it's going to happen!
its funny haw he can get payed from are taxs and not support 88 % of Floridians we need to take care of the sick and tge ones that are in pain like are elderly haw can you officer not support medical marijuana its a shame. also this is war on drugs by legalizing it o no wait you want to put hard working families in jail when drug lords are still out there think out side the box officer drug lords will not win this time tax medical marijuana and help the sick not like drunk driving geting a family destroyed by a drunk driver .
Sheriff Judd's only concern is for the continuation of property seizures.  Follow the money. Cannabis busts bring huge bonuses: cars, boats, motorcycles, airplanes, homes, land, cash… How much profit is involved in busting a murderer, rapist, robber, kidnapper, car thief? NONE Easy to see why pot busts take TOP priority…
The only thing that can defeat Amendment 2 would be voter apathy… Don't depend on 'the other guy'…Please vote… I cannot help you… I lost that right with a marijuana conviction… Change the law before it happens to you…
Marge: You seemed so understanding before. What happened to "Boys will be boys"? Sheriff: You see, during Spring Break, the beer companies pay me to look the other way. The rest of the year, I am a real hardass.
I guess the cannabis companies aren't paying him off đ
Why would 83% of any group want to go to the bathroom at the same time? Â This pig spouting out sheldon adelson's propaganda as fast as he can to save his police state power/dollars.
"Guess what, other reasons can be anxiety, back ache, insomnia"
Uh…yeah, you're point? Are you such a stupid fucking pig (protip: yes) that you don't recognize that those need treatment too? Anxiety can be crippling. Back pain can EASILY become crippling. Insomnia can lead to a myriad of other problems as well.
So yeah, someone needs to shut him up. He's a fucking idiot
These cops are just pissed because they will see their revenue and arrests drop significantly. It will also give them one less excuse to search cars and people illegally.
I wonder if this idiot had ever had a friend or relative die a painful death that marijuana would have helped relieve? Has he ever tried it for a backache or stomach cramps, insomnia or anxiety? It is a medical wonder for these cases. Get smart Grady.
Sorry, legalization has led to LESS crime in Colorado. It's amazing how bold the prohibitionist liars are. Studies has been done in CA that show that there is no increase in crime due to MMJ.
The Partnership at Drugfree dot org, formerly known as the Partnership for a Drug-Free America (PDFA) is a New York City-based non-profit organization which runs campaigns against marijuana legalization. The foundation's founder, Robert Wood Johnson II, had built the family firm of Johnson & Johnson into an international health products maker, and he left the foundation a generous bequest of stock upon his death in 1968. Supporters of the Parntnership include: Abbot: [Pharmaceutical] CHPA: [Pharmaceutical] Cephalon: [Pharmaceutical] Endo: [Pharmaceutical] Pfizer Consumer Healthcare: [Pharmaceutical]
Doesn't it just make you sick how sheriff Grady Judd distorts the facts on amendment 2. Can I recommend you do exactly what he says and read amendment 2 for yourself. You will read that if amendment 2 passes in November THE FLORIDA HEALTH DEPARTMENT HAS 6 MONTHS TO SET UP REASONABLE RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO MEDICAL MARIJUANA IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA. What sheriff Grady said is not true and can not possible be true because none of the rules and regulations can be crafted until after the election. Also the Florida Supreme Court has already ruled that the ballot language clearly states that medical marijuana can only be recommended to a person that has a Debilitating Medical Condition. Here is a link so you can read amendment 2 for yourself
"But beyond the obvious, crime is down and traffic accidents are down. It is true that a higher percentage of traffic accidents involve people who test positive for pot, but you would expect that since they didn't test for it often prior to legalization and it stays in your system for 30+ days.Â
It was also clear that Colorado has not turned into a state full of "stoners." There is no noticeable change in productivity, absences from work or dropping out of school. If you didn't know marijuana was legal in Colorado, you wouldn't guess it from being out and about in the city. "
Judd: "We're against medical marijuana because our arrest tally will go down, and therefore we will lose federal funding mmkay? Plus I won't get to be on TV and radio as much and thats what I truly love about my job, that and all the sweet government grants."
This guy is a joke, and out of touch with real people. Legal pot = less money for his super tough marijuana task force to bust non-violent offenders.
The children are the ones who need it the most they're not going to be smoking it does. It comes as a type of pill or candy or chewable but they can take or many ways other that smoking. You can't be poisoned from the marijuana. Get a clue officer. Read up and just educate yourself gomer
What this topic comes down to is the people's choice to use a natural product responsibly and with moderation; a lot like the pharmaceuticals and alcohol that you can buy over the counter at stores. The good Sheriff and his Union buddies have been lying to the public for years; now they are being caught because of the information highway and science. Sorry if legalizing effects your business and profits being made.Â
I wonder where the great Sheriff Judd is getting his information? "Comparing Denver's county- and city-wide crime statistics from the same six-month period from January to June in 2013 and 2014, homicides dropped 62 percent since marijuana was legalized there in January. It's worth noting, though, that Denver has a relatively low murder rate compared to Baton Rouge and New Orleans. The number of murders in Denver dipped from 21 to 13 in six months from 2013 to 2014, whereas Baton Rouge has had 34 murders in the first six months of 2014.Â
Most violent crime categories, like sex offenses and kidnapping, also saw a drop in Denver since marijuana was legalized. Aggravated assault and kidnapping stayed nearly the same. A notable increase came in simple assault, which increased by more than a third, or 35 percent. Overall, property crimes decreased by about 9 percent."
Grady Judd is a prohibitionist and his arguments are not agreed upon by any but other prohibitionists, even the Florida Supreme court does not agree with him
Ingestion methods are unimportant , Marijuana should be regulated like alcohol ( meaning 21 and up ) What about de-legalizing alcohol ? It won't happen . So regulate accordingly . To say children will be allowed to use it is a far stretch from a realistic situation.
Have these people ruined enough lives so far.  Colorado sent minors into 22 dispensaries not one sold to them crime is down.  Fatal auto accident show 12% in there system  cannabis will show up in your system for 30 day not proving if they were impaired or at fault at the time. Fight real crime or get a real job the cash cow is over.  Vote Yes On 2Â
the sheriff is making it sound like a 12 yr old kid can walk in and buy medical marijuana…which is not the case.. if anything; to balance things: why not make medical usage strictly by dr prescription and under their direct supervision?? Â and yet police are all too happy to bust ANYONE with pills that in cases belong to the people who possesed them!! but were arrested ANYWAY. Â what would the good sheriff have someone with a chronic pain anjd condition do; just grin and bear it until they die ??? and by that i mean cancer,blood,kidney,liver and brain disorders..hodgkins,parkinsons… ..let him tell those people that they cant have painkillers and even medical marijuana because hed have to "do his job" and arrest them for posessing it.Â
judd is a wolf in pig clothing
Lol… LMFAO… Are You Kidding Me?… I Have An Idea, Let's Vote Yes On Amendment 2, Then Vote To Replace This Deuce Bag Who Will Make Up Any Excuse In The Book To Keep Arresting People For No Reason Just So He Can Make Money Money!!!
In July of 2013 the pcso fired a deputy for conduct violations for having an alleged relationship with a know drug user. Now admitting to fully knowing that John morgan's brother uses marijuana(currently illegal) and admitting to being "very good friends" with him would be basically resigning, correct?
Insulting the florida citizens ,,too bad it will be legal
is this a joke?
I don't know what's scarier – the fact that a Sheriff with a Masters degree can be this fucking moronic
orthat he keeps getting re-elected. Start voting these fucking morons out fellow Floridians. Enough is enough. The police agenda is to keep the police budget on track. That happens in no small part due to trumped up counts of fictitious crimes. The violent crime rate is on the decline everywhere. Stop the #ZombieLies  Stop the militarization of our police. Stop these ridiculous draconian laws. All over a  100% non-lethal substance that any adult is capable of deciding whether or not it makes sense in their lives. Your children are not in danger anymore than they were with alcohol or pharmaceuticals (except those CAN kill people and DO every day.)3:40.. great.. now he's going to want a freaking battleship
Judd is the damn fraud, the problem in Polk county with his screwed up system, they falsely charge people all the time and then use the real criminals to his advantage as informants(snitches) to bad Judd it's going to happen!
The scientific Lee breakthrough is called CBD is part of a plant of the strain that helps the nerve system for cancer patients those are your results.
its funny haw he can get payed from are taxs and not support 88 % of Floridians we need to take care of the sick and tge ones that are in pain like are elderly haw can you officer not support medical marijuana its a shame. also this is war on drugs by legalizing it o no wait you want to put hard working families in jail when drug lords are still out there think out side the box officer drug lords will not win this time tax medical marijuana and help the sick not like drunk driving geting a family destroyed by a drunk driver .
Sheriff Judd's only concern is for the continuation of property seizures. Â
Follow the money.
Cannabis busts bring huge bonuses:Â cars, boats, motorcycles, airplanes, homes, land, cash…
How much profit is involved in busting a murderer, rapist, robber, kidnapper, car thief?Â
Easy to see why pot busts take TOP priority…
The only thing that can defeat Amendment 2 would be voter apathy… Don't depend on 'the other guy'…Please vote…
I cannot help you… I lost that right with a marijuana conviction… Change the law before it happens to you…
Dr. Sanjay Gupta was nominated for surgeon general I think I would rather listen to him than a sheriff who makes money off of poor sick people!
All his arguments are extremely weak.
this is why stupid people shouldn't be cops
i love how these guys just dismiss what the majority wants, like go start a dictatorship if you don't like democracy
He is the wolf in sheep's clothing.
Police should face mandatory intelligence tests if this is the kind of fucking moron they make a sheriff these days.Â
Marge: You seemed so understanding before. What happened to "Boys will be boys"?
Sheriff: You see, during Spring Break, the beer companies pay me to look the other way. The rest of the year, I am a real hardass.
I guess the cannabis companies aren't paying him off đ
Why would 83% of any group want to go to the bathroom at the same time? Â This pig spouting out sheldon adelson's propaganda as fast as he can to save his police state power/dollars.
"Guess what, other reasons can be anxiety, back ache, insomnia"
Uh…yeah, you're point? Are you such a stupid fucking pig (protip: yes) that you don't recognize that those need treatment too? Anxiety can be crippling. Back pain can EASILY become crippling. Insomnia can lead to a myriad of other problems as well.
So yeah, someone needs to shut him up. He's a fucking idiot
He also discusses the possibility for people to be âpoisonedâ with marijuana, something that has never actually been documented, aside from when the government sprayed marijuana crops with paraquat in the 1980â˛s.
This really mad me laugh! Yes, aloud! Haha
These cops are just pissed because they will see their revenue and arrests drop significantly. It will also give them one less excuse to search cars and people illegally.
completely false thisis garbage.
I wonder if this idiot had ever had a friend or relative die a painful death that marijuana would have helped relieve? Has he ever tried it for a backache or stomach cramps, insomnia or anxiety? It is a medical wonder for these cases. Get smart Grady.
Sorry sheriff Grady, I know when I need to shit, and I know when I am listening to it!
There losing money by not arresting people with pot, keep pushing the pills….
Sorry, legalization has led to LESS crime in Colorado. It's amazing how bold the prohibitionist liars are. Studies has been done in CA that show that there is no increase in crime due to MMJ.
The Partnership at Drugfree dot org, formerly known as the Partnership for a Drug-Free America (PDFA) is a New York City-based non-profit organization which runs campaigns against marijuana legalization.
The foundation's founder, Robert Wood Johnson II, had built the family firm of Johnson & Johnson into an international health products maker, and he left the foundation a generous bequest of stock upon his death in 1968.
Supporters of the Parntnership include:
Abbot: [Pharmaceutical]
CHPA: [Pharmaceutical]
Cephalon: [Pharmaceutical]
Endo: [Pharmaceutical]
Pfizer Consumer Healthcare: [Pharmaceutical]
poison u with maryjane?whos giving the fradulent info?
Doesn't it just make you sick how sheriff Grady Judd distorts the facts on amendment 2. Can I recommend you do exactly what he says and read amendment 2 for yourself. You will read that if amendment 2 passes in November THE FLORIDA HEALTH DEPARTMENT HAS 6 MONTHS TO SET UP REASONABLE RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO MEDICAL MARIJUANA IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA. What sheriff Grady said is not true and can not possible be true because none of the rules and regulations can be crafted until after the election. Also the Florida Supreme Court has already ruled that the ballot language clearly states that medical marijuana can only be recommended to a person that has a Debilitating Medical Condition. Here is a link so you can read amendment 2 for yourself
"But beyond the obvious, crime is down and traffic accidents are down. It is true that a higher percentage of traffic accidents involve people who test positive for pot, but you would expect that since they didn't test for it often prior to legalization and it stays in your system for 30+ days.Â
It was also clear that Colorado has not turned into a state full of "stoners." There is no noticeable change in productivity, absences from work or dropping out of school. If you didn't know marijuana was legal in Colorado, you wouldn't guess it from being out and about in the city. "
Judd: "We're against medical marijuana because our arrest tally will go down, and therefore we will lose federal funding mmkay? Plus I won't get to be on TV and radio as much and thats what I truly love about my job, that and all the sweet government grants."
This guy is a joke, and out of touch with real people. Legal pot = less money for his super tough marijuana task force to bust non-violent offenders.
The children are the ones who need it the most they're not going to be smoking it does. It comes as a type of pill or candy or chewable but they can take or many ways other that smoking. You can't be poisoned from the marijuana. Get a clue officer. Read up and just educate yourself gomer
…….88% of the people can't agree to go to the bathroom at the same time? Â Dang, I missed that poll
what a wanker!
What this topic comes down to is the people's choice to use a natural product responsibly and with moderation; a lot like the pharmaceuticals and alcohol that you can buy over the counter at stores.Â
The good Sheriff and his Union buddies have been lying to the public for years; now they are being caught because of the information highway and science.Â
Sorry if legalizing effects your business and profits being made.Â
I wonder where the great Sheriff Judd is getting his information?
"Comparing Denver's county- and city-wide crime statistics from the same six-month period from January to June in 2013 and 2014, homicides dropped 62 percent since marijuana was legalized there in January. It's worth noting, though, that Denver has a relatively low murder rate compared to Baton Rouge and New Orleans. The number of murders in Denver dipped from 21 to 13 in six months from 2013 to 2014, whereas Baton Rouge has had 34 murders in the first six months of 2014.Â
Most violent crime categories, like sex offenses and kidnapping, also saw a drop in Denver since marijuana was legalized. Aggravated assault and kidnapping stayed nearly the same. A notable increase came in simple assault, which increased by more than a third, or 35 percent. Overall, property crimes decreased by about 9 percent."
I think Sheriff Judd should educate himself, its a shame he looks and sounds like such a idiot….
Grady Judd is a prohibitionist and his arguments are not agreed upon by any but other prohibitionists, even the Florida Supreme court does not agree with him
Pass this man a joint lol.
Ingestion methods are unimportant , Marijuana should be regulated like alcohol ( meaning 21 and up ) What about de-legalizing alcohol ? It won't happen . So regulate accordingly . To say children will be allowed to use it is a far stretch from a realistic situation.
Have these people ruined enough lives so far.  Colorado sent minors into 22 dispensaries not one sold to them crime is down.  Fatal auto accident show 12% in there system  cannabis will show up in your system for 30 day not proving if they were impaired or at fault at the time. Fight real crime or get a real job the cash cow is over.  Vote Yes On 2Â
the sheriff is making it sound like a 12 yr old kid can walk in and buy medical marijuana…which is not the case.. if anything; to balance things: why not make medical usage strictly by dr prescription and under their direct supervision?? Â and yet police are all too happy to bust ANYONE with pills that in cases belong to the people who possesed them!! but were arrested ANYWAY. Â what would the good sheriff have someone with a chronic pain anjd condition do; just grin and bear it until they die ??? and by that i mean cancer,blood,kidney,liver and brain disorders..hodgkins,parkinsons… ..let him tell those people that they cant have painkillers and even medical marijuana because hed have to "do his job" and arrest them for posessing it.Â