1. Hey mate got some stuff on deck,very affordable and Local loyal clients should contact Asap.

    Buds (Sativa and Indica)
    Carts and 💊

    Pm me for more infos

  2. This is hilarious, the first of January, recreational pot is legal in
    illinois, so thousands of drug addict wannabes are showing up at
    emergency rooms violently sick from overdosing. Heh,heh. It reminds me
    of the father who caught their kid smoking so he made them smoke a cigar
    and they got sick. With any luck enough of these idiots will never
    touch the stuff again. They say the rookies are not waiting for it to take affect so they take more. lol

  3. its funny they should have police standing out their with cammeras. then show them lines to law makers and say look at this crap if someone was realy sick and needed this so called medication do you think they could stand in that lnog line. hell know. I my self am all fore legal bud. but I do think with the way things are we need fully legal wear its all the states and you have a normal tax and affordable price like Tabaco. if they are not going to do that then make it medical only so that it will be covered buy insurance for people who truly need it. like me. sadly I could never stand in a line like that. I also live in Wisconsin so even if I could get down their with no lines I would be crap out of luck since I would have no place to use the products. you cant drive under the influence and you cant consume in your car. I do not smoke so I would be using eatables and I cant walk or stand long times so I could not just consume them and stand around for hours on end in a public place. but my bigist thing I also do not like is they called this recreational marijuana but its not if it was buy the turm recreational it would mean anyone can buy and sell with out a license and can use in public witch you can not.

  4. So many enraged boomers in these comments. Literally anyone opposed to legalizing weed has never tried it. All of them are simply running on the brain washing they were given since they were babies, told how "only bad people use drugs!!" in their public school system. Now they feel a raging hatred towards it, and with the medical benefits and acceptance coming out they are getting more desperate and angry with cognitive dissonance.

  5. Damn lol I waited from 9am to 7:30 pm to get a damn pack of shitty ass edibles only 100mg total in the bag (30 bucks) and a pre rolled joint for 15… plus 12 dollars in taxes :/

  6. They said its not about color is about the Green money you're going to spend on recreational Marijuana. Illinois is about to making money and raising taxes. This is call the Illinois Dream of Success and will make Illinois Strong again.

  7. I hope they regulate it properly making sure the product is of high quality. They also need to create tax incentives for business as well to insure the cost of buying weed is lower or close enough to the black market. And also they have to insure that the product supplier and distributor shouldn't be in the hands of a few people and that the entry point to growing and selling is attainable for everyone.

  8. DO NOT IMPORT BUD FROM CANADA….our leaders fucked up and allow insecticides and fungicides to be sprayed on buds, and them sprays not designed or intended to be smoked….black market uses the bud they grow here, and they dont spray….

  9. This state is literally garbage, lazy, zero creative, and has the usual equally garbage politicians running it. Of course they are going to legalize marijuana. Outside of fake medication benefits, the bulk of the buyers are going to be people that don't care to do much productive to begin with. Of course they are going to legalize it so that it can short of guarantee that these weak ass sheep vote Democrat. Now when these idiots smoke this garbage, they are going to want to do less than what they were already doing to begin with. Soon there may be a casino. Another genius idea by the brain dead democrats. What it will insure is more potential for crime, addiction, etc. Illinois does a great job at keeping a grip on its clueless constituency.

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