Saturated fat does NOT increase heart disease

Once again, a study reports no association between saturated fat intake and heart disease risk. It is becoming very clear that individual foods mean much less …


  1. Saturated Fat may be neutral with respect to heart disease, but if you swap saturated fat with plant based mononunsaturated fats, that may reduce heart disease by decent percentages

    "The results indicate an overall risk reduction of all-cause mortality (11%), cardiovascular mortality (12%), cardiovascular events (9%), and stroke (17%) when comparing the top versus bottom third of MUFA, olive oil, oleic acid, and MUFA:SFA ratio."

    See: Monounsaturated fatty acids, olive oil and health status: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies. Lipids Health Dis 13, 154 (2014)

    This is from the dairy nutrition page, which appears to be funded by Canadian dairy farmers:

    "There is insufficient evidence regarding the replacement of saturated fat by monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), but limited findings suggest a reduced coronary heart disease risk"

    I would link the page, but youtube often does not like weblinks.

    This is from Harvard

    "Studies that have looked at whether consuming a diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) leads to reduced risk of heart disease have shown mixed results. But according to new findings from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, it makes a difference whether the MUFAs come from plant or animal products. In the first study to separately examine types of MUFA sources in relation to heart disease, researchers found that while MUFAs from plant-based foods such as olive oil and nuts do indeed lower risk, MUFAs from animal products such as red meats and dairy do not provide benefits."

    See: Monounsaturated fats from plant and animal sources in relation to risk of coronary heart disease among US men and women, , Volume 107, Issue 3, March 2018, Pages 445–453

  2. I am a type one diabetic on Ketovore for a long time. Originally my A1C upon diagnosis was a whopping 14.4. Now I'm working to normalize blood sugars sitting currently on 6.2
    The close-to-carnivore approach to my eating keeps my insulin requirements low, while eliminating so many of the chaotic variable of type one. I am grateful to the brave doctors and research scientist who were willing to withstand the name calling of heretic and quack to provide people like me who need this approach, a place to nest in the gale of diabetes.

  3. My thoughts/questions….
    1. Vegan Community says that eating fat is coming up The receptors that are muscles and causing diabetes. Not carbs or sugars.
    (I don't fully believe this)

    2. Being in the medical field I see stronger correlations between diabetes and heart disease as opposed to high cholesterol and heart disease. About half the patients to come in with heart attacks have regular cholesterol numbers
    3. Dr. Mills says that we are being based on our physiology and Anatomy. I don't fully believe this because like somebody mentioned we don't have the huge cuts like a gorilla to break down all the fiber from plants all the time. Our physiology is different from theirs
    4. I have high lipoprotein a which killed me about 10 years ago but they were able to revive me and give me a stent in the cath lab. I now have seven more stents and cannot seem to lower my LPA. All the studies show that a low-carb high-fat diet seems to help lower it. It is a stronger genetic marker for cardiovascular disease than cholesterol.
    5. Take a picture out in the forest poor big animals like bears and moose live, could you just eat vegan out of the forest and survive?? The answer is no. Barry's only coming season once in awhile nuts only come and season once in awhile. Fruit only times and season once in awhile. Not a whole lot of potatoes that grow wildly out in the forest to get calories from. A person would have to kill animals and eat them
    6. We didn't really start the whole agricultural thing to about 10,000 years ago but our genetic makeup is over a million years old.
    7. Which means we were not eating a lot of beans and corn and Grains way back before the agriculture age… Once again meaning we had to live off the land, and the land did not produce enough vegan options year round so the human ancestor would have had to have eaten meat to get enough calories and survive

    I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on these points as I have struggled to bring myself around to eating more fat since I was preached the opposite for so many years but still unhealthy

  4. Focus on tackling diabetes, high blood pressure, obisity, heart 💖 attack & stroke by kicking the buts of diabetes Australia to focus on prevention, instead of cure, by implementing a health care plan for pre-diabetics, diabetics, & late stage diabetics, so you can save millions of dollars in the Australian health care system & increase the life-expectancy of thousands of Australians. Diabetes leads to the highest killer, which is heart disease, followed by the second global killer, which is stroke. Australia will be the healthiest nation if diabetes Australia introduced a compulsory health plan for diabetics at different stages of the disease, with quarterly, blood test targets to help Australians, before it's too late. Diabetes Australia & the health minister & department need to get their act together, because prevention is better than cure. This can be achieved by sending a compulsary health plan that incorporates exercise, diet & a quarterly blood test. Because I don't want anyone to go through a stroke & for all Australians to live a healthy & satisfied life. Diabetics can live up 80+ if they control their diabetes. It's also the responsibility of diabetics to do their homework through diet & 2 days exercise in a week. In the USA only, every 4 mins a person is added to the kidney transplant list. Time to forget covid, & focus on the worst pandamic, that leads to obisity, heart disease, blindness, stroke, gangerine, kidney failure & blindness. It's good that the government supports diabetics, but diabetics must do their homework & it becomes a habit 🤗👍. The elephant 🐘 in the room is diabetes & not covid.

  5. Margarine, tastes like an f-up in a chemical factory. I've never understood why anyone would want to put that in their mouth, let alone think it was good for them, even before I joined the low carb community!

  6. Dieticians still routinely tell clients to reduce their saturated fat intake to reduce the risk of heart disease. Similarly, a high overall blood cholesterol level is synonymous with heart disease in the minds of the general public.

  7. The only problem is that there are 90,000 Centenarians in the USA right and none of them consume a high fat low carb diet, or keto diet, and they also don't consume a vegan diet so no studies or science or anything complicated is needed for any reason. Just keep a balanced diet like they teach in elementary school and keep fit.

  8. Help us from medical mafia!

    Not a single death in entire world due to the so-called Omicron variant still WHO, Pharma Mafia, Media and Govt is busy scaring people. Why? They have to sell you masks, sanitizers, immunity boosters, vaccines, do covid test and more. They won't let this once in a century opportunity pass on easily. Turn off media and focus on your work. 🙏🙏🙏

  9. I buy full-fat everything and look for fatty meats. Eat duck once a week, including the skin. Same with chicken. What I don't eat is carbs, or only very few. No discipline needed really; meat and fat are filling, so no need to graze later. At 65, I am still unlearning so many myths and lies. In fact, when I eat eggs, I often add an extra yolk. Can't believe that restaurants served egg-white omelets when I was younger. Maybe they still do?

  10. I don't want to be disrespectful towards Diet Doctor but when it comes to cholesterol and protein Diet Doctor seems as confused as a mainstream doctors. I recommend other better sources to understand well about these areas. Don't shoot me down but my recommendation includes Dr. Berg(I know lots of people hates him), Dr. Ron Rosedale (nobody can refutes his all rounded arguments, not only cholesterol but whole other vital markers), go to other sources on your own risk of being utterly lost or confused.

  11. With high protein, adequate fat and low carb, I’m amazed at how much I don’t need to eat. I’m discovering how much I eat simply out of a stress or boredom type reaction. Keep yourself busy, keep good foods around.

  12. And there are still health and diet articles popping up online every week saying to stay away from saturated fat because it's bad for you, as though that is carved in stone as undisputed fact.

  13. I've done "Ketovore" for the last six months, and I can fit into my 30-year-old wedding ring again as the inflammation has utterly disappeared! This lifestyle is sustainable and awe-inspriing! I must say, it took me a week or two to withdrawl from sugar in the worst way, but it's been smooth sailing for months now! WOW! Never going back to garbage food! Thanks, Diet Doctor!

  14. Dr. Kim A William, an American leading cardiologist said saturated fat and high HDL cause heart disease. He also said Avorvastatin is a great med to lower your cholesterol. Everything is very confusing.

  15. Make sense. I always thought that was sus since in the recent past everyone ate egg and meat from saturated fat but heart disease wasn't a thing until the modern times.

  16. Study after study has shown that the 'saturated fat causes heart disease' just does NOT have any support and yet so many doctors still tout it day after day.

  17. Saturated fat does increase LDL though. And in approximately 1/4 of the population with a LDL receptor genetic disorders high LDL can be deadly.
    So maybe, the “memo” saying saturated fat is bad is easier. Just a blanket to cover everyone.
    Because in general, people are lazy and don’t check on their own health issues. If you don’t have this genetic issue (I do) then don’t worry your pretty little head about it and eat your saturated fat until it’s coming out your ears.
    I will keep mine limited, and take meds so I won’t die since my body has been uncontrollably pumping out unrecyclable LDL particles since birth, and I started developing atherosclerosis in my 20’s as an extremely fit and healthy athlete. I’m almost 60 now, still fit and healthy, and not dead thanks to lowering my LDL. (Unmedicated my LDL is in the 300’s) My family members seem to die off early, even my grandpa, who was a Swedish hurdler champion back in the 1920’s. He died in his 50’s. Heart.
    It’s not as easy as all that Dr.

  18. So epidemiology trumps epidemiology?

    Man this whole field of science is ridiculous. This see-saw business doesn't occur so often in other fields of science.

    Nutritional science should never be involved in policy. Let it be free for all with an emphasis on people eating locally. Eating local is more economic rather than a statement of health.

  19. I don’t know how those vegan cult people can survive the cognitive dissonance. Our body has a near perfection fat burning system With efficiency of 97%. Think of any engine can burn fuel so efficiently? 97%. This is clearly a very refined system, very sophisticated. Glucose as fuel is also efficient, but unless you are a plant, plants can store glucose as starch, you will weight a ton or maybe 10 tons to have similar fuel tank as using fat. We human, actually any animals, can’t even survive with glucose as the primary fuel. Talking about preferred fuel for the body… god damned vegan cult.

  20. I can see why people are very suspicious of the medical establishment motivation. Especially when there have been cases where big pharma are promoting options that require expensive medications and treatment options. Covid is a perfect example of most recent occurrence of big pharma propaganda.

  21. I'll keep commenting on this – whoever is doing your color grading/editing is really doing a disservice. Bret looks great on camera but the teal/orange color grade is making his skin orange and plasticky while you can see stubble on his head, chin and in shadows turn blue at times.

    There's no need for this heavy cinematic look and whoever is doing it is making the onscreen talent look awful. 🙁

    The content is spectacular but the color grading is awful.

  22. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in United States. Every minute of every hour the American people are (not) doing something to keep this statistic in the number one spot

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