1. Absolutely, And we as free acitizens should be allowed to grow our own medicine instead of funding drug cartels, risking transport and possession, forced to take prescription meds, and being stuck with a felony forever!

  2. Alabama will lose out tooooo much πŸ‘‰$>MONEY<$πŸ‘ˆ on jailing, fining, court cost $$$, ur substance abuse classes, PLUS ALL THE REVENUE from drunk driving arrests goin down, and ALL OTHER CRIMES goin down if cannabis was legalized. Alabama has done the Math and once again AL and it's corrupt government don't give a flying FCK about what it's tax paying citizens WANT. Its horse sht and mfers need 2 ganh 4 it.

  3. This plant has vast uses as food, medicine, feul, plastics and building material. If some people also want to use it to have fun…SO WHAT? There are far worse things than cannabis that are perfectly legal

  4. Drop the medical end the prohibition and end the incarcerations of those involved in none violent possession arrests. The prohabition of cannabis was pushed through with racism all because big companies paid off politicians

  5. 1:37 – it helps and people can benefit from the plant without needing to smoke it ! there are so many delivery methods that are non smoke related … making a juice with cannabis plant is thw best form of metabolism by far … a smoothie etc….

  6. What would Jesus do? Serious. Show compassion to people that just want to feel better sometimes with their own personal life. GET ON WITH IT ALABAMA. Just do it. No more lies of reefer madness. No more injustice for non violent people that are just like YOU. Read Genesis 1:12 πŸ’š WE THE PEOPLE ARE TIRED. I also want law enforcers of justice/ not law enforcement terrorizing the community wasting time and money for their slaves in their jails. If it’s for money then so be it. It should have never been an illegal plant. I’m posting this comment for the friends I’ve lost that no longer have a voice.

  7. Is like asking if we can legalize the cure?πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ. We have legalize the disease for tooooooo long please. This is 2000 thousand old medicine, but we humans beings love to establish nonsense laws to later take back when we have the need for healingπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

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