Taunton Gazette Top 5 Stellers sea eagle retail marijuana casino

Before we begin the new week in earnest, we’re taking a look back at the week that was, and the stories that led the news with Taunton Daily Gazette readers.

The bird really was the word this past week, as sightings of a Steller’s Sea Eagle along the Taunton River drew hundreds of people to come out and try to catch a glimpse at the eagle that was half a world away from its native habitat.

Other top stories this past week included the opening of Taunton’s first retail shop for recreational marijuana; the Bridgewater-Raynham honor roll list; and the latest real estate report.

Rounding out our Top 5 was a look at where the long-stalled Taunton casino project is these days.

These were the Top 5 stories of the past week, according to Gazette readers:

Eagle half a world from home draws birders to Dighton, Somerset

Birders flocked toĀ Shaw’s Boat Yard in Dighton on Monday, hoping to catch a glimpse of theĀ Steller’s Sea EagleĀ rumored to be visiting theĀ Taunton River. Native to Eastern Asia and Russia, the eagle is “vagrant,” meaning it has ventured far from its usual range.

Dee McKee, who works at the marina, said more than a hundred photographers and birders turned up.

Where have the wild birds gone?:3 billion fewer than 1970

Taunton’s first recreational retail pot shop is open

On Monday, Commonwealth Alternative Care became the first ofĀ up to eight marijuana dispensariesĀ licensed to sell pot to recreational users. The 30 Mozzone Blvd.Ā business has been selling marijuana to folks with medical cards for more than three years.

Derek LoVasco, retail manager for Commonwealth Alternative Care on Mozzone Boulevard in Taunton, pauses for a photo on Monday, Dec. 20, 2021, the dispensary's first day for retail sales.

Dave German, general manager of Taunton operations, gave a tour of the recreational and medical shop at the front of the company’s sprawling location, which includes 100,000 square feet where they grow weed and manufacture pot products.

What’s next for pot in New England?:VT sales starting, MA equity issues and more.

Bridgewater-Raynham honor roll

Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School recently released its first-quarter honor roll list. These are all of the students who made honor roll in the first quarter.

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