1. Seriously curious about this one, have any of you used cannabis to boost athletic performance or for recovery? If so let me know in a comment, want to hear the good and the bad!!

  2. I ran my best race ever directly after smoking weed. I ran a 7:38 average pace. I also pulled a 635lbs deadlift after smoking. Won a strongman competition smoking the entire day. Does it help? I don’t know but I enjoy it.

  3. I run a 5k in 20mins…trying to bring it under… i smoke lots of weed, even right before running. It helps with calming the mind and being in the headspace for endurance and focused physical activity. Its definitely not absolutely necessary but once in a while when you need help calming down and focusing, weed really really does something special. 🙂

  4. The trick to using weed with me is not over using &
    getting a tolerance, I used to binge which tends to lead to feelings
    of adverse effect & therefore now I use as a novelty.

  5. This is the great thing with no large companies like with cigarette companies. Who do we suue for misleading us and saying cannabis is okay? Its all about money, they don't care about our health, only the $ Marijuana brings in. Who do we sue?

  6. Marijuana is the God's greatest gift to mankind.
    Legal or not
    It will be germinated
    It will be grown to bud
    It will be harvested
    It will be grinded
    It will be rolled
    Bowls will be packed
    No matter what the reason for the season or the cause and effect, no matter if it's legal or not…
    It will be smoked.

  7. Besides it is against the rules of the Olympics, why did they cancel Sha'carri (spelling??)?! They say it can inhibit the findings of testosterone from 'roids? I have found no true studies that agree with statement. Any help? Any link? Not just someone's comment or a .com site….I want "Scientific Journal" ….proven clinical studies. Thanks in advance.

  8. Cannabis has changed my life man in a way I never could imagine it definitely helps me connect with my body and it gave me my bodybuilding journey hard to imagine this was illegal

  9. Why don’t more athletes eat it instead of inhaling it ? Surely they’d want their lungs to be at their best if they are serious about maximising their potential ?

  10. Sativa can enhance performance. Commonly associated effects of use: Sativa often produces a “mind high,” or an energizing, anxiety-reducing effect. If you use sativa-dominant strains, you may feel productive and creative, not relaxed and lethargic. With sativa comes a boost in serotonin, which regulates learning, mood, sleep, anxiety, and appetite. It works to help combat chronic pain and can aid in easing and treating anxiety and depression. Some even enjoy a bit of sativa before physical activity—we love some pre-yoga sativa to get really into the om zone.

  11. After many failed attempts with other brands, I finally found this brand. Weedborn products are the best and I don't think I will ever need to look for another CBD supplier. I would recommend for practically any health problem.

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