1. I want to smoke weed and feel high but not paranoid. How would I do that… I was little snoop Dogg 5-6 years ago but then quit till today.. I love smoking it but get paranoid if I don't smoke it with beers . Especially when driving.. what can I do to enjoy weed at the same time not to get paranoid.. please share your thoughts..

  2. I'm a strong addict to weed. I smoke bout 5 grams a day and it's not that bad
    And I usually walk down a street that I would cross in maximum a minute but damn I get stuck on thoughts and it feels like hours

  3. i have a question. I smoked marijuana about 5 days ago for fifth time in my life.These five days i cant see clearly i have a weird focus and it wont stop. i cant see as i could before smoking pls someone help

  4. I smoked it a few times and nothing happened. I guess me being on a ton of pain meds might have stopped it affecting me. 1st time I tried it, I held my breath in and the cat decided to jump on me with his claws out. Mum thought I couldn't handle it, I told her the cat sunk his claws into me.

  5. I tried marijuana many times I mean many times over the years and I never felt good. My friends and every guy I dated smoked weed and I really tried to like it but I never did. I didn’t feel good. I get super nauseous and vomit, or I feel I’m drunk but I can’t control my movements etc. so weird. I just want to go to sleep and hope to sober up quick after smoking it while everyone I know enjoys it.
    Can anyone explain why?

  6. Tried it and hated it. I'll never forget the last time I tried smoking it after a friend prodded me to. I was sitting there and couldn't wait for it to wear off and swore to myself I would never smoke it again, and I didn't. I am a man who likes to be in control of my thoughts, and this takes that away.

    I still don't understand the attraction to the stuff, I just never had much of a positive experience on it. Plus I am against smoking of any sort, especially since I watched my lovely wife die while holding her hand of cancer from her smoking habit.

  7. if legal, marijuana coud be an alternative to alcoholl and nicotine, the sensation its smoth and less adictive them other drugs, the bigest problem its the smoke efect that can cause cancer just like cigarret and cerebral issues, but if it take moderate dose it will be less dangerous.

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