Adding Sugars To Cannabis Plants Guide – Molasses, Corn Syrup or Honey

Today on Lex’s World, let’s talk adding sugars to your marijuana plants! This is a common additive that growers use; we’ll talk …


  1. Woah! You did NOT just scroll down into the comments and forget to subscribe, did ya? DID YA? 🙂 Didn't think so. A note on the directions in this video: like with all additives you mix into your water, you should not be adding your sugars on every single watering…I recommend to add nutrients only every 2nd watering, and the same goes for adding sugars during flowering.

  2. if you are looking for sweeter buds, flush better and keep your late grow room temps between 68f and 70f.
    Once the plant starts to produce its terps it starts to lose them as well! that's why you can smell it.

  3. Bacteria in your soil feed on sugar and poop out perfectly seasoned food for your weed. Yes it works. I grow indoors during winter so NO PEST! Whohoo. God speed every one.

  4. He's wrong, organic sweeteners makes a huge difference in the taste. Why does he think they make different flavored sweeteners specifically for hydroponics.
    I suppose you can grow weed without humic acid too. I've been growing since I was in high-school wtf is this bs

  5. 😃 haha . Been years since I've grown . Till this year.
    I just so happened to have bought some sorghum for gorilla cookies just yesterday.
    Unsulferd . Haha good karma is awesome !!! Thanks partner 😃

  6. I am back again Lex! WOW, last comment 3 years ago? BRO! Anyway, Lex does tell you guys stuff from experience, so listen up! What I do when feeding plants is to use a long screw driver and poke down into the soil so when you pour that liquid feed on the soil, it gets down to the roots. I have found my plants do get bigger doing this!

  7. attract unwanted pests … try growing weed in cow country . If you ever wondered if cows eat it I can assure you they do . To make matters worse i dumped spent cat litter over the fence . Cows love it ! It's a mineral lick to them , and they will push each other out of they for it , and push the fence . The neighbors were nice enough to build a "pen" around my weed . I lay out mineral licks far away from the pen for their cows . I water with Grandma's unsulfured molasses . I throw the spent cat litter over the fence away from the "greens". We coexist ….

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