Hi everyone, I'm a stoner, can someone kindly please explain how much cbd oil do I put if I have a 30ml bottle of 300mg CBD into MCt oil? How many drops? Or ml's? Lolz .. Thank you in advance 🙂
Hello. I liked your content! I have been trying to research for a vid like yours that explains the stuff in this YouTube vid. đź‘ŤYour explanation really is like the vids of Dr Ethan. His explanations are totally helpful and I really learned a lot for midterms. He is the most informative health enthusiast in Nottingham and he talks about health symptoms.
I suggest you check out his page out and give the Doctor a subscribe here! ➡️ #DrEthanVideos
I'm 19 and I've been using CBD since I was a kid for my pain and anxiety. I don't know why I've been using the oil straight when I could have them in gummy form!! Thank you!
Love these videos will deffo try it. Inspiration for my channel give it a sub and leave me some feedback. I'm deffo a subscriber and a fan of this page x
That was very interesting to watch. I will share this with a friend, she uses CBD oil and I don’t think she’s ever thought of this process. Anything to help with pain etc. is a good thing! 💕
You keep amazing me, with all seriousness though, we've been wanting to try cbd, I would love to get off my anxiety meds, doing alot of research, it's all in the way its processed, good video, love you! Xoxoxo
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Is it just 300ml of CBD oil, you only appeared to put a little bit in?
Hi everyone, I'm a stoner, can someone kindly please explain how much cbd oil do I put if I have a 30ml bottle of 300mg CBD into MCt oil? How many drops? Or ml's?
Lolz .. Thank you in advance 🙂
Hello. I liked your content! I have been trying to research for a vid like yours that explains the stuff in this YouTube vid. đź‘ŤYour explanation really is like the vids of Dr Ethan. His explanations are totally helpful and I really learned a lot for midterms. He is the most informative health enthusiast in Nottingham and he talks about health symptoms.
I suggest you check out his page out and give the Doctor a subscribe here! ➡️ #DrEthanVideos
I'm 19 and I've been using CBD since I was a kid for my pain and anxiety. I don't know why I've been using the oil straight when I could have them in gummy form!! Thank you!
What is the shelf life on these?
Well would you look at that? Well I will just sit there and “Like” this video.
The formula for the aproximate amount of cbd per gummy is this.
([mg per ml in tincture/oil] *[ml used in recipe]) / [number of gummies]
Love these videos will deffo try it. Inspiration for my channel give it a sub and leave me some feedback. I'm deffo a subscriber and a fan of this page x
How do you know how much CBD is in each gummy? You can't call it medicine either…
So cbd oil and tincture are the same thing
You are so amazing..I know I keep repeating my self…but you are!
That was very interesting to watch. I will share this with a friend, she uses CBD oil and I don’t think she’s ever thought of this process. Anything to help with pain etc. is a good thing! 💕
You keep amazing me, with all seriousness though, we've been wanting to try cbd, I would love to get off my anxiety meds, doing alot of research, it's all in the way its processed, good video, love you! Xoxoxo
Great can't wait to try..thanks