OMG How can medicine taste so GOOD!!!! These are a copycat recipe of those lil scrumptious Hasbrio Gold Gummy Bears.


  1. Hi everyone, I'm a stoner, can someone kindly please explain how much cbd oil do I put if I have a 30ml bottle of 300mg CBD into MCt oil? How many drops? Or ml's?
    Lolz .. Thank you in advance 🙂

  2. Hello. I liked your content! I have been trying to research for a vid like yours that explains the stuff in this YouTube vid. đź‘ŤYour explanation really is like the vids of Dr Ethan. His explanations are totally helpful and I really learned a lot for midterms. He is the most informative health enthusiast in Nottingham and he talks about health symptoms.

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  3. I'm 19 and I've been using CBD since I was a kid for my pain and anxiety. I don't know why I've been using the oil straight when I could have them in gummy form!! Thank you!

  4. That was very interesting to watch. I will share this with a friend, she uses CBD oil and I don’t think she’s ever thought of this process. Anything to help with pain etc. is a good thing! 💕

  5. You keep amazing me, with all seriousness though, we've been wanting to try cbd, I would love to get off my anxiety meds, doing alot of research, it's all in the way its processed, good video, love you! Xoxoxo

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