CBD, MTB and Back Pain

I’ve been dealing with back pain related degenerative discs for a few years. I’ve tried a lot of things: yoga, stretching, exercises, PT …


  1. I also suffer from disc degeneration and what I’ve found to help is a good chiro, foam roller and lacross ball as well as pre and post ride exercises. I still have some soreness after long rides but using the foam roller usually loosens things up. I have a video i did with my chiro on my channel if you want to check it.

    All the best!

  2. Put the oil under your tongue for like a 2 minutes. It will be absorbed better. Also the dosing depends on your body. Some people take a little, some need more. You have to figure it out. Most pain issues are usually treated with bigger dosages.
    Most importat thing apart from the miligrams in the oil is the source. Some oils are just plain CBD concentrate. Full spectrum ones are the way to go.

  3. Gillies is really tough on a 27.5 or 29” wheel. They are designed for bmx and 20 inch wheels. Kuddos for running that little track. It’s super tough for me to find flow on that and you know how much I love getting my wheels in the air.

  4. I have back issues too, and I had a disk surgery. I like you have good and bad days still… nature of the location of issue. I have tried CBD gummies and other then helping me sleep better it did nothing for aches and pains. I do have to say I took them before going to bed and I always felt like I was much more groggy after waking up then normal.

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