Delta 8 THC: The 'legal' version of marijuana

Delta 8 THC, a new product on the market, is being called “weed lite.” Unlike your standard marijuana, Delta 8 THC is being sold …


  1. I was addicted to cocaine after I get clean I started to drink a lot, always in fights, Anxiety attacks every night, stress and I barely eaten, one friend one day pass me a cbd joint and I didn’t feel high only relax, happy and chill, I stopped drinking everyday( I’m still getting drunk once a week) cbd was the best thing to relax my attacks in the night and control my anger

  2. Cops just don't understand that weed doesn't make you impaired like alcohol does, you shouldnt drive while high but chances are the driver would drive even more safely while high because how paranoid they would be

  3. For one Delta 8 is good for you for two stoners are too busy being God damn high eating Cheetos I'm a f**** couch and I can say this because I am a stoner and I smoke a lot of Delta 8 because it holds on my migraines my migraines mimic symptoms of strokes and it keeps them away so who's the bad guy here now

  4. I'd rather see this being ok than alcohol being ok but no one makes a big deal about alcohol. I bet that officer even the news people who are talking drink alcohol at times. 😡

  5. Understand how the law fills about it but also understand and listen to this if someone goes out there and gets drunk how are they driving personally someone going out there and smoking out there and smoke in ADV how are they driving either they're gonna drive careful and slow or they're gonna drive normal and careful you're not gonna get out there and speed and drive reckless

  6. Legalize medicinal and recreational cannabis 21+ like tobacco, and alcohol.
    It will generate much needed tax revenue for the states that legalize it instead of making citizens criminals over a little weed… What about the opioid epidemic? Other actual hard drugs like methamphetamine etc

  7. I drive stoned all the time and have never been in an accident. You can’t equate it to alcohol. Hell when I had my first cigarette I was inebriated

  8. The law system with drugs is horrible, why do most Americans have to use legal drugs like this instead of just buying plain old regular weed when the legal drugs are always worse for you and much more highly questionable on our health.

  9. Weed is actually good for type 2 diabetics to help produce insulin and like me type 1 to help fight against insulin resistance. It's also helps with the chronic nausea that comes with the territory.

  10. I back the blue but sorry, the sheriff doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I hire for the company I work for and I had a guy who previously worked for a Vape shop, straight up tell me that he takes delta eight daily and it did not show up on his illicit drug screen.
    I’d much rather drive around with stoned people than drunk people anyway

  11. Well ended up at a better school

    But I was lucky
    That doesn't happen to everybody

    I saw the Other Path

    They treat you like The Expect you to Goto Jail as a kid
    N high school

    Your targeted and groomed
    N treated like
    Your not normal Or Smart enough for regular paths

    I think about all the Road Block people put in front of us growing up
    Went From Sonic to grand theft auto
    At 15

    N expected to think that way

  12. I Had Str8 As n High school
    I kicked out because I

    Learned about weed from my peers
    And racism is a real threat to the youths
    Upbringing isnt fair
    Or right
    Sad but true

    That's why I dont like big bussiness
    Exploiting bring Unfair Bussiness practices

    To someplace
    You know
    Has tormented and harrassed the lives of Challenged communities More than any place else

    When this should benefit everybody
    And open Opportunity to make the world a better place

    But I understand Stupidity exist too
    But everybody isnt
    A Hoodlum

    And most of its negativity comes from Ignorance tbh
    And exploitation of ignorance

  13. Delta. 8 and CBD Is Ass And Yall
    Be Making Weed Bad on purpose Cause street weed and Dispensary Weed Is Diffirent Street weed
    isnt "Real" Clean Weed
    And Now Yall wanna make money Off Same people You Was harrassing for life……that wrong and you know it

    It should be free and Home Grow
    In every state
    And then yall can Fo Your bussiness
    Withiut exploiting the same communities
    You destroyed
    Your Huge Bussiness plans exploiting
    The same people you've Hurt and harrassed for years

  14. This stuff don’t even get you high like that for real. You get more of a buzz from dirt weed. This stuff just makes you drowsy like a Benadryl. Alcohol is what the police need to worry about.

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