DOES SHE FAKE HER SEIZURES? // Comparing Raelynn's Seizures to MyJourneyToBeSeizureFree

There’s a trend online in which many people attempt to fake seizures. Angelique Busko of MyJourneyToBeSeizureFree is not one …


  1. Every major seizure type behaves differently. Freak, each person with the same seizure type can look slightly different. Even in one person the seizures can look a tiny bit different.
    All what a seizure is is a wrong, rapid misfiring of the electrical system (nerves) in the brain.
    I personally have a history of seizures. My type affected all but how I can feel and hear. Most all people don't remember what happens during a seizure. But because the electrical activity wasn't affected in those areas I still remember what happened.

  2. I like Ang and have been watching her vids since she started them and I cannot believe someone would accuse her if faking! It's a good thing I didn't see a comment stating that. I guess we just need to remember ppl making that kind of accusation comes from stupidity. Pure and simple.

  3. I’ll say it one more time you put oxygen after her seizures. Why would you keep a mask on her seems like she’s always having tiny seizures
    Think about it critically

  4. If people think someone would fake something like a seizure has and I hope they never have to experience it in someone they love, after my father had a stroke my mom and me witnessed the seizures he had and while it was nothing like this it was still scary, he of course had no idea what had happened, my brother-in-law has epilepsy and had a seizure while driving and crashed he is lucky to be alive and doing ok.

  5. I pray for her my son has seizers about 5-6 a year which I can say I’m blessed can’t imagine my son having them often it kills me to see him have one therefore my hat off to her mom great job MOM your the best

  6. A encontré un video del canal de YouTube, "MyJourneyToBeSeizureFree" y solo 1 video de ella sufriendo uno de sus ataques diarios me emocionó mucho, ya que me duele ver sufrir a una niña. Ella no merece vivir así. Te insto a que la tengas en tus pensamientos y oraciones.

  7. My hubby used to have 20 to 30 seizures a day. I was driving one time and he started trashing around and banging his head on the window, end up wrapping the seatbelt around his neck and at one point his head is on the steering wheel while on interstate middle lane on 90mph. Trying to protect and secure him while changing Lane to pull over on the side was forever forged in my brain. It's like catching a huge swordfish trashing around while in a small boat.

  8. The killer for me. I’ve gone through tests. I’ve gone through eeg’s. Cat scans. MRI’s. Blood work the whole nine yards. And nothing! Absolutely nothing. When I am stressed and I mean stressed to the point of crying I have a seizure. Like Ang basically. I’ve been told I’ve been faking all the time. Cause it’s always when I’m stressed. I hate it and I don’t know what I’m suppose to say or do!

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