Dramatic Pain Relief For Rheumatoid/Fibromyalgia Without Drugs – REAL Patient Story

“Famous” Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present Dramatic Pain Relief For Rheumatoid/Fibromyalgia …


  1. Please consider an episode on something I, and many others, had never even heard of until being diagnosed with it — Polymyalgia Rheumatica aka PMR. The onset is rapid (like, overnight) It apparently is on the increase recently (NIH). There are Facebook groups for support, but this is so debilitating and causes so much excruciating pain. Perhaps even consider what exercises might be beneficial once diagnosis is given and prednisone therapy has begun. There is some information out there, but some videos are filled with inaccuracies, and besides some do not just get to the point! NSAIDS do nothing for it, really.

  2. I'm tired of living in pain, I can't afford medications, my daily life is constance pain an I have a daily continuous flare. Is there anything natural I can take. I'm just 😫 tired of daily chronic pain.

  3. Cure yourself today from all manner of dieases and sickness and viruses are you suffering from Diapetities Lupus Hashimoto's Hyperthyroidism gravedisease Hemorrhoids varicocele Asthma epilepsy kidney diseases fibromyalgia etc just search Dr Onyeneke on YouTube he is a great herbal doctor he cured my fibromyalgia with his natural herbal medicine

  4. All thanks to Dr Uzoya on YouTube for helping me with his herbs to cure my Fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, right now I'm now cured from Fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis dr Uzoya, He is the best doctor I ever meet he is real and can trusted, you can contact him now ans thanks me later, his Whatsapp number is +2348112931254 or email druzoyaherbal@gmail.com He also have the solution for the following diseases.
    1, Diabetes
    2, herpes
    3, Cancer
    4, HIV and AIDS
    5, Multiple Sclerosis
    6, Relationship problem
    7, Lupus etc.

  5. Natural remedies gives complete cure to any health problems. I was recently diagnosed of Hpv, i got rid of it with the herbal root medicine which I ordered from Dr.Omobhude. whatsapp him if you need his help, (+2348059831931)

  6. I never believed in life that I will be cured from HIV on till I found this great herbalist
    doctor called Dr Asika with his herbs. my doctors said HIV do not have medical cure because the virus is capable of hiding within the human cells, it remains protected from your immune system has the tools to fight it back. Cure your HIV with affordable price. My doctor said there is no cure until i meet Dr Asika
    This same doctor also cured my Aunty from hepatitis, as soon as i heard she had herpes i quickly refer her to DR Asika and she was cured too after drinking his herbs. I have referred more than 6 person to DR Asika and they were all cured from their various illness.
    If you have this HIV or herpes I don’t think there is any need wasting money and time on medical treatment quickly contact this herbal doctor via email?
    dasika779@gmail.com Or whatsapp number +2348135968802

  7. I want to use this medium to appreciate DR Abumere for curing me from herpes virus after 4 years. It was shocking to me when I was diagnosed of herpes 4 years ago because I didn't know how I contacted it and I became depressed when my doctor said there was no cure to it and every attempt I made to get cured failed until a friend told me about DR Abumere and I contacted him at once through his website and he sent me his formula and also guide me through and now I'm herpes free. You can contact him through his http://www.drabumereherbalremedy.home.blog or email him on doctorabumere6@gmail.com


  9. Give your body the nutrients it NEEDS and get out of its way . I firmly believe most all modern illnesses today are directly caused by POIR NUTRITION and sadly MEDICAL MAFIA doesnt want us healthy they want us BUYING RX MEDICATIONS intended to keep us sick.

  10. I am so happy my rheumatologist is a awesome doctor because he informed me on how important dieting is and he inform me to keep up with my vitamins like fish oil and d3,I also take CoQ10 that has been an awesome pair with the other vitamins and trust me,exercise helps you survive

  11. Every time I bring up a natural home cure or treatment for something to a doctor, they get super defensive and often visibly angry. Western doctors are smart in that they can remember useless Latin names for stuff faster than most of us. But doctors can be very defensive and immature in the face of things they don't understand or what will not buy them a new boat.

  12. Thank you for this video!! Her story is identical to mine! I have been going to a therapist who does FSM! The methotrexate did the same to me. I am now treating this holistically but diet is my weakness. I'm looking forward to the next video.

  13. Oh when ever i see this such post I remember of a herbal doctor called Clement that help me get rid of mine permanently from this same Complain of yours I taught there was no cure but this doctor herbal treatment helps me, he can also help you get rid of yours permanently.let me know if you what his info .. contact Dr Clement with this number+2348055494910 or Email: drclementcurehome.01@gmail.com


  14. Problem with alternatives and being on low income. All doctors do like the alternative medicine and a person on low income/ welfare has to keep going to their doctor for social security benefits every two years reviews.

    500.00 a month is not enough to get by on with basic needs and buying 50 and up alternative medicine a month. Besides alternative medicine and chemicals medicine is masking symptoms . Not a cure.

    I can take this supplements, but it will not prevent pain from exercising, cleaning house, and doing my old jobs I use to do. Manual labor jobs ( restaurant, stocking shelves for wal mart, fast foods, ). N ou t everyone is talented enough to have an office job.

    Reiki healing , frequency healing sounds, and crystals healing helps ease my pain, but not a cure.

    Not everyone body and pocket book is the same.

  15. I was infected with fibromyalgia and my head pained acutely. I couldn't eradicate it after eating so many medicines. I surfed the net and came to Planet Ayurveda that gave me Fibromyalgia Care Pack and some diet tips that ceased this fibromyalgia within a week.

  16. can you get your own clip on microphones? sharing a hand held is like 1970s. (wireless, 1990s) don't be cheap. excel.
    good interview but it's lengthy and the info can be distilled in time and space

  17. I had fibro for years.. did a study on fermented foods.. went on that wagon for 8 months.. zero… fibro for many years.. i am convinced that fibro had to do with gut health.. it worked for me

  18. Perhaps this diet works for Rheumatoid Arthritis but it is incorrect to say that it works for fibromyalgia. IBS is a common symptom of fibromyalgia which means that substituting wheat pasta for pasta made from chickpeas would be the worst thing you could do. Chickpeas and beans are not good for IBS – perhaps in very small doses. Cutting out MSG would help with fibromyalgia and there exists scientific reasons and research to back that up but following the above diet will not improve fibromyalgia pain for those people diagnosed with fibromyalgia that does not accompany another auto immune disease. Fibromyalgia is very very different to rheumatoid arthritis and it may even be the case that the fibromyalgia that people with other auto immune diseases are diagnosed with is a different type to the fibromyalgia experienced by other people who have fibro without any other auto immune disease being present

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