Easy DIY CBD THC Infused Cannabis Cream | Legal CBD Pain Relief Topical

Easy DIY CBD THC Infused Cannabis Cream | Legal CBD Pain Relief Topical Our Amazon …


  1. Hey Mike, I've been making CBD-based pain salves for a while now but hadn't thought about using Magnesium Chloride so thanks for the idea! One thing you can do to make your salve more viscous is to add arrowroot powder. It also reduces the greasy feeling. Thanks again for the video!

  2. how old are you and where do you live? i was just thinking, if you grow your own weed, you can make it into oil and it will cost less, well, you would need a light tent and heat lights and water and 4 to 6 months so maybe not cost less at the start but you would get alot more oil, hhmm how much does straight weed cost, you could make infused weed oil will it.

  3. Thanks for the post. I am currently using, of all things, LivRelief with CBD and most recently a product called Tulia which is a 50/50 mix of CBD/THC cream. Both products I found at a local licensed shop. Don't get me wrong, I love the products because they work and relieve my neuropathy pains but LivRelief is exorbitant in price for the little amount and while the Tulea is about $20 cheaper and is a 50/50 blend plus twice the amount by weight, it's still pricey in my book. As I go through a fair amount of the stuff and am a pensioner without much money to spare, this will help me make my own. Now to find something to replace coconut oil as I am allergic to it. Thanks for this.

  4. I already make my own magnesium balm for the horrible leg cramps I get. Watching your video…well…why didn't I think of adding CBD oil to the recipe? I have been leery about CBD oil for two reasons. 1) I bought some that was all 'hype' and no 'bang'. 2) I see a pain doc for pain control and anything in my system shows up in the mandatory urine test. I want to document, in detail, anything I try/use and there is no better way than DIY! Now to find a good quality CBD oil. Thank you for turning on the light bulb💡

  5. Great tip on the magnesium calm thank you!
    I also have something else I think would help you further with pain And inflammation . It’s worked for me within a couple weeks which is awesome as I’ve suffered for years 🙁

  6. I’ve been experimenting with cannabis in lots of ways because it’s revolutionary and helped me with a lot of different and multiple health problems but could someone tell me what a tincture is? Idk what it is

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