Florida Supreme Court kills amendment to legalize recreational marijuana

A group called Make It Legal Florida had been gathering petition signatures in hopes of placing the initiative on the 2022 ballot.


  1. No worries, Florida courts, the black market has this covered. They don't contribute any tax revenue and dealers will gladly sell to your child, but it's all good, right?

  2. It's so ridiculous to keep marijuana illegal when we have synthetic fentanyl flooding our street's. I'm still waiting to hear the case's of listened overdose death's reported due to marijuana use! I just believe the police have more important things to be doing then busting people for marijuana when we have people dealing drug's that are killing people!

  3. It's medicine for God sake, it's the safest medicine on earth, zero deaths from cannabis in fact it's not even possible to overdose on cannabis, saves millions of lives, mine included, diagnosed October 20th with a 6 inch lipo sarcoma toumor in my abdomen and told I'd die that year, refused all medical help and turned to cannabis Oil 💪💚

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