Flying & CBD in 57 Seconds

CBD products can affect your ability to fly. The THC content in CBD products is not regulated, and the amount may be unknown to …


  1. !!!CBD will NOT get you high!!! Its a skin cream made from the male plant that cant get you high even if you smoke it. Man the world goes on with bad information. The FAA probably already made a rule about it and can fine you, without even knowing what theyre talking about like regulating the safest hobby in the world. Nobody has ever died from flying hobby drones and still they go on saying its for safety reasons, NO its for some rich guys overly full wallet. Golf Clubs need to be regulated, Im sure tens of thousands have died by golf club but for drones the number is ZERO

  2. CBD is not psychoactive and even when dealing with THC studies show that intoxication is highly dependent on the person and their tolerance.
    I actually get better lap times in the Sim after a few dabs and taking a hit or two off the bowl.
    How about we get some truth going on instead of just a bar none approach because you lack understanding.

    The government lied, marijuana is not the end all to society gateway drug of the 1930s. We now know all the studies were either intentionally fudged or poorly conducted and we know the reason for prohibition was to demonize Mexicans and black people.

    Get with the times…… the drug war is over and you guys lost.

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