GAY DOCTOR REACTS to UNHhhh ep 137 I'm Sick Part 1 with Trixie and Katya

The response to my initial UNHhhh reaction was so great that I had to make another one! I’m completely obsessed with Trixie …


  1. As someone who was in childcare over 10yrs I've seen many kids who have held in their bowels because it hurt. So like I had a little girl who was constipated and once she got going she would try to hold it because she was terrified of it hurting. She would just sit there and cry. Poor baby. She was getting prone juice every night. You know she had to go.

  2. When you were talking about food poisoning, one time I ate a bunch of potatoes that had gone green and got arsenic poisoning lol. It was awful. Do not eat green potatoes yโ€™all

  3. Waitwaitwait…. Actually vomiting is way worse than the feeling beforehand?!?! It genuinely feels like all of my ribs are going to break and also get vomited up alomg witj my organs its that sore๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  4. So this is why it takes a long time for the doctor to enter the room. They're in their office watching unhhh while I'm on the examination table waiting ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜†

  5. Oh WOW! You really are the ying to their yang … in a very mutually, beneficial and understandable way – I predict big things for your channel and your mindful, honest, and sublime jovial delivery … Just AWESOME.

  6. I absolutely love Trixie and Katyas channel. I just found your channel. Awesome that a medical professional is reacting. I really can't imagine anybody with a working brain in their skull, would take anything those queens say as actual advice, in any capacity. Its OBVIOUSlY entertainment only. But then again common sense is not common and you cant fix stupid.

  7. I've never referred to my nipples as dead lol but I've had breast reduction surgery where at one point during my nipples were detached, moved and reattached which made me lose sensation for quite sometime. So maybe that person had something similar done

  8. True fact: when I was around 11 I was in the hospital with an abdominal abscess, REALLY traumatic injury, and a freaking priest came into my room and sat by my bed and just start praying. My mother walked in on this and LOST. HER. SHIT. I was crying in horror (I had never even MET a priest before let alone had some creepy dude in a scary outfit putting his hand on my arm reading a bunch of scary shit out of a leather book,) and I ended up flailing in recoil so hard that the antibiotic IV that was taped to my arm got ripped out.

    Long story short my parents sued the hospital and settled out of court, and that was my college fund.

  9. When you were talking about symptoms and said โ€œboth,โ€ I thought you said โ€œVOTEโ€ and I was like okaayy indoctrinating the children, love to see it ๐Ÿ˜…

  10. Hell yes! With Dr.Youn's humor and kindness, Dr. Dray's sunscreen reminders, and honest product reviews, and you with your educating us through gay pop culture, I feel amazing. โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

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