How CBD Has Changed My Life

I’ve talked about my anxiety before, but today, in addition to giving some other ways that I’m staying sane in quarantine while …


  1. CBD does not have good controlled research to clearly show its benefits or harms. It is likely seen by some as helpful for various problems or ailments because of a placebo or expectancy effect. For example, pain killing medicines must do better than sugar pills in reducing pain when patients taking sugar pills believing them to be active pain killers are compared with those taking actual pain medication where both groups then report pain levels.

  2. Paige: Love your positive, upbeat approach to golf and life. Thanks your sharing your struggles and remedies for anxiety disorder. A lot of courage on your part. You’re kinda a low key golf/life coach and companion on our collective journey. You make it fun. Many Thanks, RK

  3. Wow… I was blown away by your courage to be so transparent!‼️ I bet 90% of the comments below are thanking you for helping them…(just a guess! 😉) I’ve recently started watching some of your videos, especially your WIB video. (Your bag is cool af! 😎 Similar to mine! 😀) Watching this video def makes me want to watch more… you’re a true diamond 💎 Paige! ❤️💪🏽🙏. PS.. shout out to Nikko! 🐶 ‼️

  4. I change what I think about and to change what think about I change my actions, I go to the gym and try to constantly do activities that I'm passionate about , this help with my anxiety .
    I have had anxiety since I was very young . Your advise it was all good.

  5. CBD is the medicine the government doesn't want anyone to know about, eases so many different issues. Would take pharmaceutical companies out of business.

  6. I try not to eat out all, most always employees tamper with my food. Maybe it's the way I dress, on the preppy side, and I just look like a schmuck to most people. I really like they way I dress. Dressing this way for years and ant changing dont know what it is exactly, like gangstalking maybe. Especially the local restaurants always tamper with my food cuz they recognize me more often. I would never on Gods green earth tamper with people food. Others tampering with peoples food I lose my faith in people. God bless the good ones. Anways CBD is great after all, our bodies do have cannabinoid receptors, and is ever vital to intake the proper dosage for quality of life purposes only. Thanks paige for this channel and I always injoy the scenery

  7. I like this video, a lot of good information. That being said, i don't like when people say "i don't like drugs, ive never done drugs." That is all well and fine. Things like mushrooms and acid and pills are all in that category no doubt. Stuff that has THC in it though, hardly the same. If you talk down on things that have THC in them, yet turn around and drink alcohol, well hate to break it to ya but yes, you have done drugs. Alcohol is a drug, and is incredibly addictive and destructive. Far more than anything with weed in it or just weed itself. The sad thing is that alcohol companies have spent trillions of dollars in advertising and the like to make it feel like its totally ok. But that's simply not the truth. I am not angry at her at all, and i don't want this comment to come off that way. I don't even smoke weed anymore since college. But its quite hypocritical to say that weed is bad and its such a drug when alcohol is exponentially worse.

  8. Oatmeal (or any cereal), granola bars, bread, french fries, rice, breakfast bars, processed foods and many other commonly eaten things cause blood sugar spikes and cardiovascular disease.

  9. Throw the protein shakes away unless you know of some with ZERO sugar are artificial sweeteners. Instead eat a couple of boiled organic pasture raised eggs (with runny yellows) with a tablespoon of melted organic butter and sea salt. Don't just avoid chips and candy don't eat them at all.

  10. Paige's golf videos have helped my game quite a bit. Sure she's gorgeous but it doesn't take long to figure out she is authentic and she knows golf. I find her videos as refreshing as informative. Amateurs like myself can do well to pay attention to her.

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