Sounds like you are somewhat clairvoyant from your attraction to horror films and stories, which can have negative spirit encounters. i have charlotte's web 60mg Mint Chocolate CBD. Interesting results. Will try it next time a night terror happens. Thanks for the video
I’ve had night terrors since I can remember as a small child. Not sure what triggered it but I was on medication for it until I stopped taking it when I was around 20. I’m now 25 and started getting the night terrors again a few years ago and the medication doesn’t work anymore. I used to smoke cannabis as well before bed and I think it would help but I am strictly not drinking or smoking or doing drugs anymore. My doctor kept trying to tell me to change doses etc and he just didn’t get that it wasn’t working. I wish those kind of doctors listened more. We can’t get cbd where I live in Australia so I don’t know what to do. I feel like my whole life was ruined by lack of sleep and an inability to retain information in school etc etc.
I have night terrors I have attacked my mom and my cousin also my uncle so every time I have a night terror it usually occurs when hey different place like a camping where I attack my cousin and I sometimes I get scared and I hate it
people trust in everything but Jesus. have a pastor come anoint your house with the Holy Spirit. all demons must leave at the name of Jesus. don't go broke buying oils and medicines.
It is very disappointing how under educated you are about CBD oil. Just to let you know your CBD oil is full spectrum meaning it contains more then CBD and contains THC. Nano CBD oil is not the most efficient way to take it. The company that sends you the products should send you some education and, help you understand their product’s.
I started having night terrors and sleep walking starting at age 40 (now 50) after a very traumatic event in my life. Sleep study ruled out sleep apnea. They said I have a sleep awakening disorder. Through the years it’s gotten better as I no longer run through the house being chased by a “demon” or someone trying to kill me. I pretty much stay in my bedroom and my poor husband doesn’t get much sleep (neither do I). I purchased what I think is a good CBD oil (organic, etc) but haven’t seen much help. What time do you take it? How many hours before bed? Sometimes I feel like it is actually keeping me up and I can’t get into deep sleep. I’ll probably purchase the one you recommend next. Can anyone give me suggestions please on how much and when to take it. Thanks!
hey m from india …i i had night terrors last night and this was the second time … family woke up n no 1 understnd anyting neither i ….this is really scary
Thank you!! I have PTSD, Epilepsy, and a sleep disorder (with nightmares). They’ve been medicating me for so long and I’ve been trying to find an alternative. I needed this information. Thanks so much!
Since I was 8 until now (31) I've had vivid and horrendous nightmares and never got help. I suffer with PTSD, anxiety and just learned I have Rem Dysfunction. I have a sleep study conducted recently, but waiting on results. I'm getting some of this stuff to try asap. I simply can't deal anymore. Thank you for this video
I can't thank you enough for turning me on to this CBD oil. My 16 year old grandson was suffering from severe night terrors to the point where it was affecting his school work and life. My heart was breaking for him and I just wanted to fix it for him. He would wake up in a terror and then make himself stay up the rest of the night because he was too scared to go back to sleep. Then he would come home from school so tired he would literally go right to bed and sleep straight through til the next morning. This was happening almost every other day and his life was in turmoil. I ordered the CBD and it arrived pretty quickly. He is on night four of taking the oil and has fallen asleep easily and slept through the night every night so far with no night terrors and wakes up feeling refreshed. No more going to bed after school. I know it's kind of early but looks very promising. Again, thank you so much. I will update after a few weeks to let everyone know how it is going.
I think I developed night terrors. I keep worrying my parents. I don't know what to do. All I kno is that this possibly started after I graduated from High School.
Everytime someone wakes me up from this shit.. Im usually dreaming about me talking to someone or having a regular dream.. not specifically a nightmare whatsoever. My parents say that I make a sound like that of someone who is worried or that of loud mumbling.. Like if there was someone doing something to me. Luckily i don't sit up or get off the bed or yell insanely loud. But I still make an annoying sound every single night. Any suggestions?
I have tried CBD before but am unsure if it really treated my night terrors simply because they're inconsistent. I don't remember (like I ever do pssh) having one while using CBD though. Perhaps I could try it again. Night terrors are, well, terrifying. I don't know if I have ptsd from my father's death, but I do know I hadn't had any real anxiety issues prior to that event. So many things that it could be but night terrors are just a weird phenomenon. Definitely going to get back into using CBD just because it offers many other benefits.
I just ordered some!! My PCP said it would be ok to try, so i am pretty excited! I really hope it helps me get off some of the 30+ meds I take per day (some with horrible side effects, and some i take to counteract those side effects!). Fingers crossed! Thanks Kat for making this info available and and making it easy to understand (esp why this particular product us different and better).
Yeah…religious medical community no bueno. I got central apnea from opioids..ironically these apnea’s create more trauma since he nervous system is calling red alert every time oxygen stops. We pass it off because we were taught to be hard headed. But cutting off someone’s oxygen, over and over while hey try to sleep is classic torture. Sorry for ranting. Thanks for videos. Ps…I wanna move to medical marijuana land. Any suggestions? I hate Texas.
Like 2 days ago I woke up and involuntary sat up and started screaming and like I didn’t realize that I was awake/screaming; but like I also did and I remember everything. And like I heard screaming but it was faint like far away and I didn’t realize that I was the one screaming. And I remember being super scared of something but Idk what it was. Like I don’t even think the dream I was having was bad. The dogs barked and that’s what triggered it but like idk I just don’t know why it happened it was really scary And my mom didn’t care and so I’ve been freaked out and I haven’t been able to sleep a lot these past few days
Great Video
Do you have a link to where to purchase that particular oil?
How do i get this In Nigeria??
Sounds like you are somewhat clairvoyant from your attraction to horror films and stories, which can have negative spirit encounters. i have charlotte's web 60mg Mint Chocolate CBD. Interesting results. Will try it next time a night terror happens. Thanks for the video
does this still work well for you for night terrors? any other products you would recommend?
I have healed myself. Just take a look at the Weedborn website if you want to heal yourself this simple way too.
Thank you for this video, I experience almost the same exact thing. I feel like I’m not alone with this anymore.
Where can I buy the CBD biologix? Dont see it online?
I am really sure you can help yourself to be healthier. I did it already thanks to Weedborn.
Watch this till your eye feel tired
Great to see that… I cured myself too. Products from WeedBorn helped me a lot
where are your eyebrows
Is night terror 100 percent curable
I’ve had night terrors since I can remember as a small child. Not sure what triggered it but I was on medication for it until I stopped taking it when I was around 20. I’m now 25 and started getting the night terrors again a few years ago and the medication doesn’t work anymore. I used to smoke cannabis as well before bed and I think it would help but I am strictly not drinking or smoking or doing drugs anymore. My doctor kept trying to tell me to change doses etc and he just didn’t get that it wasn’t working. I wish those kind of doctors listened more. We can’t get cbd where I live in Australia so I don’t know what to do. I feel like my whole life was ruined by lack of sleep and an inability to retain information in school etc etc.
I have night terrors I have attacked my mom and my cousin also my uncle so every time I have a night terror it usually occurs when hey different place like a camping where I attack my cousin and I sometimes I get scared and I hate it
people trust in everything but Jesus. have a pastor come anoint your house with the Holy Spirit. all demons must leave at the name of Jesus. don't go broke buying oils and medicines.
Does this work for sleeping paralysis?
Is it possible to develop ptsd later on in life? Anyone?
It is very disappointing how under educated you are about CBD oil. Just to let you know your CBD oil is full spectrum meaning it contains more then CBD and contains THC. Nano CBD oil is not the most efficient way to take it. The company that sends you the products should send you some education and, help you understand their product’s.
Just ordered, hope it works …….Paul from the UK
thanks, I'm showing your video to a friend, hoping to help out.
I started having night terrors and sleep walking starting at age 40 (now 50) after a very traumatic event in my life. Sleep study ruled out sleep apnea. They said I have a sleep awakening disorder. Through the years it’s gotten better as I no longer run through the house being chased by a “demon” or someone trying to kill me. I pretty much stay in my bedroom and my poor husband doesn’t get much sleep (neither do I). I purchased what I think is a good CBD oil (organic, etc) but haven’t seen much help. What time do you take it? How many hours before bed? Sometimes I feel like it is actually keeping me up and I can’t get into deep sleep. I’ll probably purchase the one you recommend next. Can anyone give me suggestions please on how much and when to take it. Thanks!
my son have night terror and his age is 4 yrs old…
hey m from india …i i had night terrors last night and this was the second time … family woke up n no 1 understnd anyting neither i ….this is really scary
What causes night terrors? Been suffering since childhood I’ve never been physically or sexually abused from what I remember
Thank you!! I have PTSD, Epilepsy, and a sleep disorder (with nightmares). They’ve been medicating me for so long and I’ve been trying to find an alternative. I needed this information. Thanks so much!
I'm from Pakistan, is CBD tincture is beneficial for night terror?
Are you 100% sure ma'am
If I had a night terror in a mummy bag I'd probably have a heart attack! You never know when they will happen. I'll have to look into cbd.
Since I was 8 until now (31) I've had vivid and horrendous nightmares and never got help. I suffer with PTSD, anxiety and just learned I have Rem Dysfunction. I have a sleep study conducted recently, but waiting on results. I'm getting some of this stuff to try asap. I simply can't deal anymore. Thank you for this video
Thank you for sharing
I can't thank you enough for turning me on to this CBD oil. My 16 year old grandson was suffering from severe night terrors to the point where it was affecting his school work and life. My heart was breaking for him and I just wanted to fix it for him. He would wake up in a terror and then make himself stay up the rest of the night because he was too scared to go back to sleep. Then he would come home from school so tired he would literally go right to bed and sleep straight through til the next morning. This was happening almost every other day and his life was in turmoil. I ordered the CBD and it arrived pretty quickly. He is on night four of taking the oil and has fallen asleep easily and slept through the night every night so far with no night terrors and wakes up feeling refreshed. No more going to bed after school. I know it's kind of early but looks very promising. Again, thank you so much. I will update after a few weeks to let everyone know how it is going.
I think I developed night terrors. I keep worrying my parents. I don't know what to do. All I kno is that this possibly started after I graduated from High School.
Everytime someone wakes me up from this shit.. Im usually dreaming about me talking to someone or having a regular dream.. not specifically a nightmare whatsoever.
My parents say that I make a sound like that of someone who is worried or that of loud mumbling.. Like if there was someone doing something to me. Luckily i don't sit up or get off the bed or yell insanely loud. But I still make an annoying sound every single night.
Any suggestions?
I have tried CBD before but am unsure if it really treated my night terrors simply because they're inconsistent. I don't remember (like I ever do pssh) having one while using CBD though. Perhaps I could try it again. Night terrors are, well, terrifying. I don't know if I have ptsd from my father's death, but I do know I hadn't had any real anxiety issues prior to that event. So many things that it could be but night terrors are just a weird phenomenon. Definitely going to get back into using CBD just because it offers many other benefits.
I just ordered some!! My PCP said it would be ok to try, so i am pretty excited! I really hope it helps me get off some of the 30+ meds I take per day (some with horrible side effects, and some i take to counteract those side effects!). Fingers crossed! Thanks Kat for making this info available and and making it easy to understand (esp why this particular product us different and better).
Yeah…religious medical community no bueno. I got central apnea from opioids..ironically these apnea’s create more trauma since he nervous system is calling red alert every time oxygen stops. We pass it off because we were taught to be hard headed. But cutting off someone’s oxygen, over and over while hey try to sleep is classic torture. Sorry for ranting. Thanks for videos. Ps…I wanna move to medical marijuana land. Any suggestions? I hate Texas.
Thanks for sharing princess.
Like 2 days ago I woke up and involuntary sat up and started screaming and like I didn’t realize that I was awake/screaming; but like I also did and I remember everything. And like I heard screaming but it was faint like far away and I didn’t realize that I was the one screaming. And I remember being super scared of something but Idk what it was. Like I don’t even think the dream I was having was bad. The dogs barked and that’s what triggered it but like idk I just don’t know why it happened it was really scary And my mom didn’t care and so I’ve been freaked out and I haven’t been able to sleep a lot these past few days