I tried CBD OIL for one year for my ANXIETY – This is what happened.

I tried CBD oil for one year for my anxiety. Actually, it’s definitely been longer than year… regardless, I used CBD oil/hemp oil for …


  1. I believe in medication but I believe it is only part of the solution. I believe in one part medicine, and one part meditation and mindfulness. Medication doesn't fix the mental part, because it takes experience to have anxiety. You can not throw chemicals to mental problems alone.

  2. CBD has helped my anxiety so much. I had a hard time finding the right product and company after trying countless bottles of CBD oil a friend recommend Eden's Herbals, I would highly recommend them. They have both full spectrum and isolate! Fast free shipping too!!

  3. I never get stressed. I bicycle and if my employer gives me issues with no merit, I threaten to quit and usually do. If you are trying to satisfy people or are threatened by bullies you are doomed.

  4. I take magnesium pills and it helps. I think anxiety is often the result of lack of nutrients in the body. Doctors can tell if we are low on vitamins with blood tests. The best thing that helped me was turning my life over to Jesus. I used to worry all the time and now I trust God.

  5. Jump cuts giving me anxiety. No idea if it worked or not as o cant watch past first couple mins. She seems really nice and educated on the subject, but the editing is triggering my flight response. Sorry

  6. I liked this a lot. I have been trying to research for a vid similar to yours that explains the topics in this YouTube vid! 🥼Your video totally is like the vids from Dr Ethan! His demonstrations are for sure helpful and he helped me on school.

    Go check his YouTube out and give Dr Ethan a like! 👉 #DoctorEthan

  7. ironically, i had to stop this video, because it is causing me anxiety with the clippy, jerky nature of it. it's like watching a strobe light.
    edited to add: so, now that i read the comment section, i see i'm not the only one! haha

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