Indica or Sativa: Which Weed Strain Is Better? (ft. Brandon Rogers) – Agree to Disagree

We’ve strained ourselves trying to figure out what weed is better: Indica or Sativa. @Brandon Rogers, Eva Victor, Yedoye Travis …


  1. Sativa is by far better idc the time of day, i definitely prefer Sativa, i honestly get a little bummed when i find out i have straight Indica, Hybrid’s are nice though.

  2. Indica lets me form and complete my thoughts and expands my consciousness and imagination !
    Sativa confounds my ability to complete my thoughts and form the words of the idea i just forgot !

  3. Also he definitely got the part about snoops song saying “smokin on indo” meaning indica-wrong. “Indo” is short for “indoor” grown cannabis not indica

  4. I like both, don’t really have a preference. Sativa is great for an early morning smoke sesh, like while your getting ready for the day because personally I feel energized and productive. Though in the evening when I want to wind down indica is my go to option. Both are great and have their perks.

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