Medical Marijuana in the Florida Workplace: Can You Be Fired by Employer If You Test Positive?

For more: Can you smoke marijuana at work in Florida with a medical marijuana license?


  1. I'm curious about whether or not marijuana legalization means that employees would be allowed to get high at work. Think about it. If pot is being smoked for "medicinal purposes", and it's legal, then how can an employer sanction or fire an employee who smokes enough weed to get high, while they are on-the-clock? Obviously, patients should only take their prescribed doses, but no employer cares if an employee with ADHD is taking "double the Adderall" that they're prescribed, unless it negatively affects that worker's performance. Imagine an employee telling his HR department that: "In order to relieve the pain in my body, I have to smoke enough pot to make me laugh and stumble on my way into the office every morning." Many employers will not allow that, unless the law compels them to.

  2. This is like the internet all over again . They do what they want and no1 has any say about what. They make it seem like the fda has to regulate it before we can consider it to be any kind of wellness medication. N I can point that out by the kind of credentials I see and the kind of service I get. Yea it's not 4 the sick ppl its 4 the ppl in power

  3. Ppl need 2 worry about what exactly their getting as the representation of marijuana but yea it makes sense that the tenders will condition the working MMJ patients with the real stuff with the real effects cause I'm not BSn u when I say the marijuana I've been buying is counterfeit)n that's true simply cause my complaint about all south florida dispensaries n i say all this because eventually their meds turn into non sense by obvious tampering(obvious 2 me)I'm the 1 that needs it I'm
    disabled 4 real

  4. But rants like this is what employers should beware of cause u b n able to have kids n Express yourself in that manner sounds like a habitual impulsive rant 😯🦍providing a hostel work enviorment n bn a spiteful co worker with basterd children

  5. I truly dont think anybody but newbies will have an issue with intoxication with that kak weed their calling medical people need to exercise consumer protection right with the quality of goods and service

  6. I do not condone "Medical Marijuana" in the workplace. Period. But what UPSETS me most…is the AUDACITY of people to think that THEY can grown MARIJUANA on MY PRIVATE ACRES…and I should just look the other way…and PRETEND that I'm just another IDIOT out here? Because…Well…THEY (alone) are sooo SPECIAL and sooo "ELITIST." IMO…if THEY want to grow MARIJUANA…soooo bad…Then why can't THEY just go out and BUY their OWN acres and plant their OWN FARM….and SMOKE THEIR OWN MARIJUANA…24/7. Yes, as far as I'm concerned…THEY can SMOKE….from now until the cows come home. But…JUST LEAVE ME OUT OF IT! Because I am sick and tired of their BULLYING….Their STALKING….and their endless THREATS. Why are THEY so ABUSIVE? Because whenever THEY see a (WOMAN of COLOR)…owning (private property or a business)…THEY are convinced that IT SHOULD BE THEIRS. So THEY should just be allowed to TAKE IT AWAY…TO GROW THEIR SO-CALLED "MEDICAL" MARIJUANA…and DISRESPECT the OWNER…and SHOW OFF to the WORLD…Just how POWERFUL THEY really are. Because…Well… THEY can DISCRIMINATE against the "little woman"…or…BLACKLIST the "little woman"…or…RAPE the "little woman"…and DO AS THEY PLEASE…with the "little woman." And….of course…this is ALL DONE…in the name of POWER!

  7. The laws actually will not catch up like that. First off one of the main reasons you're going to be fired for using marijuana is because the insurance company is not going to want to cover somebody that uses marijuana whether it's legal or not the insurance company is still going to be the one that says we don't want to pay for the rest so that's why the company is going to fire you not because of the law.
    Employer may choose to not fire you because it's not legal but he can still choose to not keep you in the position that you need to be in because the insurance company will not allow it

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