My cat had more seizures while traveling, I had to drive to her vet clinic/ Kelly's updates

My cat had more seizures while traveling, I had to drive to her vet clinic/ Kelly’s updates Merch & stickers: …


  1. I wanna sayi think your doing amazing with all of this ! It's a very stressful and emotional time and anyone being mean or unhelpful shouldn't. I'm so happy for u getting a good vet appt. I use CBD oil for my dog and it helps him along w anxiety and also pain.good luck and thank you for sharing and updating

  2. Sounds like your kitty is in good ✋hands with the care that you're vet and you are providing for her. I also have a feral calico that was a rescue cat. Have had her about 5 years. She has turned into a very loving companion. Wife passed away 4 years ago and I have converted her handicapped van into a weekend camper. Am in Spokane so I don't take it out in the winter because of the cold. Would like to know more about your heater install.You and kitty 😺take care and stay safe. God bless

  3. Thank you for sharing! I'm so glad that she is well! Kelly is such a beautiful kitty and you take very good care of her and love her very much! I can see that! I didn't know about the peanut butter either but I'm allergic to all animals so I don't know too much about taking care of any of them! I do know that Kelly looks very healthy and well taken care of! You are doing great! Much love to you and prayers to you both! See you next time!😊❤👍😃

  4. Cats need to tear around sometimes. I hope your cat gets lot of outside time (I haven't seen your other videos so forgive me if I'm not aware.) They need space to jump and run and play.

  5. I’ve given my animals cbd for years for different ailments. I’m so happy with the results. I hope it works just as well for your kitty. Be careful where you get it from that it is animal safe and they’re not ripping you off. Don’t pay a fortune. I get mine pretty cheap and it works amazingly. Good luck to you and kitty.

  6. I am so sorry Kitty is I'll. CBD is seriously good for seizures. Sardines with the fish oil is good and easy to carry in the van. CBD is awesome. It has worked for my dog it may sort out her liver and all. CBD is so Healy. No side affects. You are doing great for her. Don't worry. Trust yourself. You are being so good for her. ❤️

  7. I am so sorry for your kitty! as a cat mum myself, I can imagine what you are going through. Sorry to ask but does you cat have the opportunity to run or is she always in the van? exercise is so important for animals. Also does she eat wet food? I saw Dreamies and that is real junk for cats. My advice is to give her the best food you can afford (wet food with very high protein content and no grain, if you can!)

  8. It breaks my heart when i see you cry for Kelli, only because i lost my baby kitten (he was 3 months and the vet said he was born with some sort of kidney issue ,he just got sick one day, i rushed him to the vet but it was too late) His name was Papitos( Spanish for little potato, He was all white but with a slight tan color,chubby,just like a little potato 😺) So i only know your pain so much! Sorry for the long comment but I will pray for you and your baby girl, You are a kind, beautiful person inside and out, God bless xoxo

  9. If you want to change her food over. Do it slowly. Introduce a bit more every few days of the new food into her old food. On top of her health issues you don’t want to upset her tummy by making a full change all of the sudden. Hugs

  10. Not all peanut butter is toxic. Just those that use xylitol as a sugar. But eating it once could be fatal long term once in the system. People are only trying to help. Not trying to upset you. CBD oil is awesome.

  11. I’m not giving advice. Just want to say that it might take a while to figure it all out, so please don’t get discouraged. You have a healthy, happy pet. You have a wonderful veterinarian. You’re a loving pet mom. Kitty will be okay and you’ll figure it out when you do. Please please try to rest and relax a bit. And know there are thousand of us wishing her and you all the best! ❤️

  12. I’ve had experience with a calico cat who had seizures. They are complicated, she went through a really bad one that changed her for a couple weeks. But she healed and went back to normal and with more caution she is better 🙂

  13. So glad you got some good info, keep calm , and enjoy your girl. . Your a special person. Do not follow , bad advice, keep in touch , with your vets. I have had dogs horses , and cats. All special, thanks to my vets , and very knowledgeable trainers. Love of your animals , will keep you strong .

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