NEW UPDATED VIDEO***** Joshua was a fairly average happy baby who was starting to say the basic words mama dada etc.


  1. Thanks to everyone taking their time to read this testimony on how my son was saved from Autism.
    He was diagnosed four years ago, and he's just 6, I have tried several treatments and medications, nothing was working out, this got me frustrated and depressed. I kept praying and finally God answered my prayers when someone from youtube introduced me to this doctor from his home country and gave me his contact details.
    I called and explained my son's condition after which I made an order for his herbal remedy, he asked for my address and the next day I got a tracking number for a parcel sent to me through DHL and after four days I received my order.
    It was a liquid herbal medicine and a letter containing the instructions on how to use the herbs, I called him again to confirm and the next morning I started giving my son the herbs as instructed and after one week I noticed great improvement on my son and I continued until the herbs got finished and everything lasted for just one month and now my son is totally free from Autism, he can now talk clearly, behave normally and has no more seizures.
    If you've been searching for a genuine solution for Autism, connect with this honest Doctor on Whats App
    + 2 3 4 8 0 7 7 6 8 3 1 0 9
    or ( solutionhealinghome @ gmail. com

  2. I love Josh’s and his massive improvements. I have a 4.8 year old and she is non verbal . I would like to get the Charlotte Webb’s brand but I was wondering if I could get it in the Uk. Also I would like to know what Dosage u gave to Joshua at 4 age. Is a brand of 2.5% of Cbd too high?

  3. I have 3 year old son he is not respong nor communicating with anyone no eye contact same like your kid so how much should we give our son im so worried ☹️

  4. Hi, great video, I have followed your videos in the past and if I remember correctly, Joshua was initially started in charlottes CBD oils. Just wanted to know what was the reason in changing him from that to greenheart cbd also have you found it to be any different. Thanks.

  5. You really encouraged me to want to try it. But I am scared of the medical field here in Finland that they will think I am harming my child. Also another thing that pushed me away is when I joined those FB groups and they kicked me out when I mentioned the medical field and that I worry about it that they might even take my child away from me. I was shocked and so I thought that well, it looks like it does affect the brain.

  6. Thank you. I have just ordered our first oil, and the 20% discount really helped with the international postage. This oil has had such a profound effect of Joshua. Wonderful to see. I hope it will be helpful for my two boys. My 13 year old was diagnosed last year, and my 2.5 year old shows a lot of signs. Not as deeply effected as Joshua, but enough to cause difficulties for them. Crossing fingers the cbd helps. Thank you for sharing your success with helping your Joshua. Xx

  7. How long would u leave a child on cbd before changing brands? My son has been on greenheart for nearly 3 months now. And small gains but nothing major

  8. I love what you did with Joshua he is a beautiful child. I worry about what will happen to him when you can no longer give him the oil. I have a 2 year old she loves music so we do music hugs and kisses. May God bless you and yours as we go into this one socialist government.

  9. Amazing. Do you think the cbd is helping the autism or do you think he was misdiagnosed and has/had something else which the cbd is helping? I ask as I have an illness which can sometimes mimic traits of autism and cbd has been known to help some people with it.
    Edit to add, either way, the progress he has made is remarkable!

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