1. I’ve been driving stoned in NY since 2000, it helps you drive better .. calms you ..focuses you and takes away your road rage. The fact that stoned drivers are what you’re worried about is ridiculous! You should be worried about drunk drivers. Stoned drivers have always been here and we drive better than anyone else

  2. Marijuana isn't an impairment..? STOP LYING!!!

    "It's a performance enhancement drug" ~Joe Rogan

    Seriously though are you high? Anyone stupid enough to believe it's an impairment-
    needs to take a trip with me to a Skate-park with some Joints & Cookies
    (Tell me I'm impaired while I drop in Backwards on a 12ft Ramp HAHA HYSTERICAL)

    Impairment…? What a JOKE! #FAKE-NEWS!!!

  3. No accidents thats why you put the age to 21+ just like alcohol. After that its the persons responsibility. But im pretty sure we would all just drive really slow 😉 no crashes

  4. Non Toxic Has never Killed anyone, why treat it like it does. Why can't I smoke it EVERYWHERE ! The weed was used in 1890's for azma . Kills cancer. good for children and babies. Stop Being Stupid on Pot

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