Only farming hemp and food – (Rust Challenge)

We played for 3 days without farming anything else than weed and food πŸ™‚ Dong: Music by …


  1. hello the weed guys your vids are very good i enjoy them keep up the good work video idea could you make a berry farm on top of the tree in the swamp you dont have to just if you would like keep up the good work

  2. i remember seeing some comment on a video about liberal gun owners saying "I want gay married couples to defend their pot fields with machine guns" and this channel reminded me of that, take of that what you will i guess

  3. You guys are my spirit animals….. nothing more embodies everything that can be good in rust than you two who ive just discovered πŸ˜€ Live on weed farmer brothers – we will meet one day in the fields of hemp <3 May you always get clones that are perfect every time and the water never runs out…

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