Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures Diagnosis and Treatment – SLUCare Neurology & Psychology

Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES), also referred to as functional seizures, are seen in about a third of cases for those …


  1. The cure for non epileptic seizures is to shift from a sympathetic (fight or flight) to a parasympathetic state . This is best achieved through deep abdominal breathing with prolonged exhales making a deep humming sound in your throat as you exhale. Breathe in and out only through your nose, focusing on your breath and nothing else the whole time. You should feel the back of your throat area vibrating when you exhale making the humming sound. The back of the throat area is the hub of the parasympathetic nervous system and activating it with humming automatically activates the parasympathetic nervous system relaxing your mind and body. Practice this for 20 min in the morning, afternoon and night and your seizure frequency will reduce greatly. Also practice it the moment you feel a seizure coming on and most likely the seizure feeling will go away. Combine this with mindfulness training and learn to live in "day tight" compartments focusing only on the present moment specifically on the task at hand and doing what you enjoy.

  2. Wonder how many of the young girls complaining in these comments that their made up condition isnt taken seriously enough even still fake these seizures and haven't moved onto the next it condition – DI

  3. I had a roommate who had these. They were NOT fake. She had been badly gang assaulted (r4pe) and she had these often. At least once a day. So much medicine still doesnt know…. The brain basically shuts itself down, thinking it's re-entering the threat when a memory comes. Sad. I know I'd want a benzo if that was happening to me! Give them the dang treatment….

  4. Sir . One month before I see some kind of white round light moved very fast when I was looking in to sky just like as sparking of electricity . Then I go to hospital they said it is retinal degeneration. . And they said no treatment is needed only 6 month check up. But I went home then I feels some kind of stess and then I searched for retinal degeneration and studied about retinal detachment too. this make me so sad and I feared very much . And I am so tensed about retinal detachment. Then after some days I see some kind of flickering when I look in white background. Some kind of unusual things when I looking. then I visited the hospital again but there is no retinal problem. But I again depressed and tensed about retinal detachment. The I visited the another hospital the did barrage laser on my Both eye . For the first barrage laser I felt a nervous shoke because I didn't get any idea what's going on my surroundings then after five minutes I got normal. Now the problem is that after that laser treatment I am seeing some kind of white transparent light always blinking in front of vision and some kind of fluorescent light is seeing when I go to darken area. Or closing my eyes. The I again feared very much about retinal detachment. The I visited another eye hospital they said there is no problem with your eye and the laser done was good. they said may be problem is with brain not with eyes . Now I went to one neurology hospital they asked me about everything . after that they did MRI and EEG and blood test done. MRI is normal and blood results is also normal. But in EEG report is like this there's is no epilipty discharge only a disfunction in bilateral posterior head region that is Left > right. The neurologist give me some sleeping pills and neurones regeneration medicine do I need to take this medicine.can I get ride of the illness without medicine . because I have good sleep without medicine and now the intensity light I am seeing in my eyes is also cam down. So what will do I am confused.

  5. When my seizures began quickly lead to many ambulance trips to ER following a week in hospital doing the epilepsy screening to be told these psychogenic non epileptic seizures were a result of severe post traumatic stress still took years for me to understand why

  6. I thought I was just having panic attacks maybe I still I do. When an onlooker started to scream that I looked like I was having a seizure I started to have doubts. Also when other people described how their panic attacks were not even near what I experienced I began to suspect something more was going on. Just hearing her saying she felt like ants were crawling on her head knowing thatā€™s exactly how I felt moments before I had an episode is actually scaring me. Iā€™m confused and scared now.

  7. The human body isnā€™t just a bunch of cells there are many layers to it such as the electrical, etheric , spiritual and stuff u probably havenā€™t heard of. The disruption or imbalance of one can affect the other. Unfortunately modern medicine doesnā€™t seem to take these things into consideration .

  8. There is only one herbalist doctor on YouTube called doctor oje that can help you cure EPILEPSY seizures with his herbal medicine, I was once a patient he cure my with his herbal medicine and is powerful and good, get your cure now from Dr Oje on YouTube thank you.

  9. In Australia neurologist doing neuroscience, don't care about the patient's with non epilepsy seizures,
    23 years no explanation and a form 174.
    Mine is due to head truma, so they don't care at all.
    Within my epilepsy seizures books there's over 2000 seizures recorded, and ambulance service to hospitals for epileptic seizures. The neurologists don't care, why should I.šŸ˜©
    If I fall again onto traintracks it doesn't matter, if I fall in the middle of an intersection, it doesn't matter, if I have another seizure at home šŸ” and I'm unconscious for hours in the shower,it doesn't matter, my life doesn't matter.
    My GP knows and he looks after me.šŸ™‚
    Over all my neurologist doesn't care,I don't matter.

  10. I have C-PTSD and experience convulsions, ticks, and arm thrashing when I experience invasive memories of my group sexual battery (and other Narcissistic abuses). I take two kinds of anti epileptic medication.

  11. Maybe Iā€™m crazy, but when I have these seizures, itā€™s like Iā€™ve entered another realm and tuned into another frequency. Itā€™s so wild. I donā€™t believe that itā€™s suppressed emotions or whatever theyā€™re trying to sum it up to, Iā€™ve been in therapy for most of my adult life and Iā€™ve worked through my lifeā€™s traumas. I truly believe spirits are trying to communicate with me when Iā€™m in that state. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

  12. My friend has been seizure free for 2 years.! I am not a a doctor but I was attending college to become a psychologist. I believe that some people do need to see a psychiatrist but not every problem can be solved taking psychiatric drugs. I was raped by my sister for about 10 years when I was just a kid so this is what really makes me more qualified in mental healing!

  13. Human, psychological, suppression and keeping abuse a secret causes the grief to manifest into traumatic seizures from pushing the grief away down deep inside a person. Dying from grief is real people!

  14. Are eyes always closed during psycogenic non epilepsyseizhures??My seizhured do not appear on EEG snd most times eyes halfopened or closed that why doctors say that I have non epileptic seizhures

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