Raelynn having a happy seizure!

If you just want to see the video of the seizure Raelynn had, skip to 00:45. But keep watching to learn about Raelynn’s happy …


  1. When I get a seizure like that, I get a warm rush through my whole body from my feet up towards my head, and a wavelike feeling in my head which is hard to describe accurately. It’s nice, but horrible at the same time… but it does change my mood for the good afterwards.

  2. I support your channel,its time for more,ina month or two,Mariah will be the bomb on youtube,step up real and spend more on yours,edge,creative,facts golore,tech,Mariah is ganna blow you tube out of the water,she wants that for sooooooo long soon,colaberation is good for awareness,but my girl is about to destroy youtube so if you wont be team…i tried to tell.not comp,always love super girl Realynn,we do for her,not you!

  3. Ive noticed this time,many weird commenta
    Tion im ending all channels cause of mexican inandation,social grading and anything that hurts my case when aply for disabilty,i have moderate copd,spinal arthitis bone spure,stenosis inclinclusiv protrution c4 c 5 c6 c7 cirvical intrusion,quality of life 4 me is, nil,takin care of my girl every other day any way,its not to good man,its eal.no job i can do…what is this f**kin link on,? prior,me out connent,what is that,see what i mean,they still do crapola on my channel,i give up comment!

  4. Go into settings, cycle to bottom,do that now,…in that menue,go to build number,press 7 times on build number,devoper option will apear,hide from c,ompany and gov.also main menue go to apps just under device care hit that togel on off for app data usage,this will not make your apps mallfuntion,go into permisions you toggle per use wat you apps do and not do.go back to begining in settings,hit magnify glass icon,type wifi control,you will notice that most of your apps are doing this when indeed they dont have operate this way unless wifi is requiered

  5. Gelastic seizures
    Yeah that is rare and get this but I get laughing or crying seizures as well but I don't know why or how so.
    It's the fact when someone laughs we all laugh and for those who don't understand that it may seem happy these seizures are real nowhere near as funny as some think

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