Thankyou for some very meaningful and informative videos! I've just heard that you are in hospital…. It's just to let you know that you're being thought of, and if any of us could be, we'd be there tobe your emotional support humans. Is there any place to send a card, just to say we hope you can feel better, and get better? Anyway, I think your videos are very caring, with good advice and the best role model for any animals 💕
I have epilepsy mine also affects my moods i cant go any were near flashing cameras strobe lights flashing on tv flashing lights and the heat all affects my epilepsy its a horrible ilness to live with From south wales uk
I am so very sorry to learn that you are seriously ill in hospital sweetheart ! Get better soon my friend and I send you all my very best wishes and much love as always X !
Hello Steph and family .A great video..which is very eye opening..Binky Boo really feel the love and do your best for your mommy. SENDING A BIG FURRY HUG your WAY..🌏🍬💕🤗💕💕💕💕
What a good bunny, Binky💗 The good news Is that Binky doesn't hate the medication. My bunny doesn't like to be picked up. I have to cut his nail on the floor. lol
Great video & great description! 👍 Your videos would've helped me so much when I had pets. I live alone & trying to give meds or syringe feeding them was always an ordeal. I never thought of using a mirror!! Can't wait to see your upcoming videos ☺. I hope you're feeling better!! ❤❤💕💕💕
I love watching how you care for Binky, and to be honest syringe feeding could be handy for any bunny medicines. Can't wait to see what plans you have for the channel, maybe a Binky and mushroom show 😂
you two have come along way it's just so amazing to watch theses videos xxxx
Thankyou for some very meaningful and informative videos! I've just heard that you are in hospital…. It's just to let you know that you're being thought of, and if any of us could be, we'd be there tobe your emotional support humans. Is there any place to send a card, just to say we hope you can feel better, and get better? Anyway, I think your videos are very caring, with good advice and the best role model for any animals 💕
Sending prayers for Steph's recovery!! 🙏🙏❤❤
Hello, dear hooman ❤️
Get well soon 🍀✨
I have epilepsy mine also affects my moods i cant go any were near flashing cameras strobe lights flashing on tv flashing lights and the heat all affects my epilepsy its a horrible ilness to live with
From south wales uk
You are a very hooman hope your doing well
I am so very sorry to learn that you are seriously ill in hospital sweetheart ! Get better soon my friend and I send you all my very best wishes and much love as always X !
Aaaawww 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hello Steph and family .A great video..which is very eye opening..Binky Boo really feel the love and do your best for your mommy. SENDING A BIG FURRY HUG your WAY..🌏🍬💕🤗💕💕💕💕
Great video. 👍👍👍 Have a wonderful day. 😉 Greetings. Adam 😎
Good to watch such good care
Such a lovely boy- your baby Binky. XXXX Like 30! 🙂
What a cute! I feel happy to see this 😚
Sending you and Binky lots of love!! ❤️❤️❤️
Yes time and patience with your bunny is key. This is great you made it work though the years and now it's a routine. 💛💛
He is a very good boy.
This is so heart warming, to take such good care of this little guy even when he does look a little moody!! LOL
Cute baby
you are a good mommy to Binky. he is so lucky to have you .. take care both of you.. and have a wonderful weekend
Awww I need to get kodo boy to be like this
Awww he so good
What a good bunny, Binky💗 The good news Is that Binky doesn't hate the medication. My bunny doesn't like to be picked up. I have to cut his nail on the floor. lol
You are a ray of sunshine ☀️ beautiful Binky !! Such a good bunny 🐰💗💗
Oh Binky dear…your an inspiration to other rabbits who have your condition. You and your mommy are a great example. ❤❤❤
Great video & great description! 👍 Your videos would've helped me so much when I had pets. I live alone & trying to give meds or syringe feeding them was always an ordeal. I never thought of using a mirror!! Can't wait to see your upcoming videos ☺. I hope you're feeling better!! ❤❤💕💕💕
I love watching how you care for Binky, and to be honest syringe feeding could be handy for any bunny medicines. Can't wait to see what plans you have for the channel, maybe a Binky and mushroom show 😂
Thank you take care of Binky, you did a great job!🌷
It's a great what you did
Thanks for this video 🌷
You do a great demonstration. He is so good at taking his meds.
🇮🇪 binky is so cute adorable and I hope 🤞 all will be ok
❤️this is not only a sweet video but very informative Thank you so much for sharing with all of us Good bunny Binkey Awesome medicine taker ❤️
He's such a wonderful Binky and you take excellent care of him. Thank you friend
Hope you're all doing well!
What an adorable demo, and so helpful and informative too 🥰 Binky is just so cute 💗
How far you’ve both come is amazing ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Awwwww ❤♥️♥️thankyou for sharing this ❤
Binky is so good at taking his medication! I’m making my cats watch it and telling them this is how you should take your medication. 😁
Binky rocks!!! He is such a hero! I love him, I love you all! You are all in my prayers.
Much love and hugs 🙏🐇🐾🙏💛💜💚💙❤🌸🌹🌼🌻🌺