Shawn O'Brien | Family searches for the TRUTH 15 years after mysterious "medical incident"

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  1. It's so obvious that Shawn was murdered by Armond and his girlfriend.
    I do not understand why we keep hanging the keys over to these MFing brainless flesh sacks to investigate crimes when they won't do anything to ACTUALLY stop and punish these worthless criminals.

  2. Correct that Narcan doesn't do anything for cocaine. The injury patterns, though not likely, could be consistent qith falling down a flight of stairs. Tha5 would explain the injuries to multiple sides of the head.

  3. The cops REALLY screwed this case up! Just goes to show that cop's OPINIONS dictate what action they're going to take. "NHI" is a disgusting and discriminatory acronym cops created and use daily. It stand for "No Humans Involved", or that the person who died isn't "worthy" or "valued as a person" enough for the cops to have to lift a finger, to find out how they died, nor to determine if/who was involved in their death and hold them accountable. Unfortunately, given the repetitious DV calls, because of Lynn, and Shawn's history of substance abuse, that was ALL the cops needed to determine this was a simple "NHI" and their work was done! They probably even joked and laughed to themselves/each other that now that Shawn was dead, they'd have more free time sense they wouldn't have to respond to the more DV calls! Hope the cops involved suffer extremely painful and slow deaths very soon and they're treated as inhumanly as they did Shawn! 💯💯🙄🤦‍♀️🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  4. Thank you for posting these. I know it takes so much dedication and hardwork, and can be exhausting at times, but it truly is SO worth it to get these peoples cases out there!! This is probably one of the best ways to get them out too.

  5. Perhaps he came home was attacked by Lynn with either the lamp or the hammer however he may have still been mobile but terribly confused. Bleeding while he walked around the apartment, getting sick vomited in the toilet, took a near overdose in Tylenol trying to fix the head pain, and when he still hadn’t dropped…. Lynn came back down stairs to finish the job by once again attacking him with the remaining item (lamp or hammer) and that is where he lay until his sister arrived and Armand realized he had to come up with a story quickly.

  6. I know this is a weird thing to be excited about but usually the cases you cover are never in my area. I live in Mass but it’s only about 20-30min away from Cranston. I feel like something suspicious is definitely going on with Armand. If he didn’t do it he definitely knows something about it. Just the fact that he didn’t call 911 immediately if he was seizing is suspicious enough. I have been with someone when they are seizing and 1 minute feels like 10 while waiting for them them to stop seizing. So an hour is SO long not to call for help! I really hope his daughter gets some answers soon! ❤️

  7. Can you please do a video on my friend Andrea knable, she's still missing and it's almost been 3 years, I can get you in contact with her sister Erin Knable, Andreas case needs more attention. Please look into it it.. 🙏🙏🙏

  8. You are my favorite true crime influencer. You present your stories very professionally and with the families in mind. I like that you are very respectful of the victims and their families and you truly want to help them.

  9. Hi danelle i love cat s to my sis sophie has x 2 cookie marie and luna arabella and mum has twinkie boy mog my sis has cleo ….cleo twinkie and luna arabella our cookie marie s kids v … v my pal Heidi has cookie marie kid to hers is pumpkin to .. arent cats just best so spiritual v

  10. my guess since i do have epilepsy i believe that the blunt force trauma and the drugs triggered the seizure and they thought he was dead and they left when he was only seizing which caused his death. but i could be somewhat wrong so don't come @ me 😂

  11. This is from left field – but the state of the house, the vomit in the toilet, and Shawn's injuries lead me to suspect he could have been run over on his way back from the bar (hit & run??) and stumbled home, in agony. Shawn might have survived if the two idiot roommates called an ambulance!

    Or did Lynn run him over in the driveway? 🤔

    Edit: I wrote this right before Danelle mentioned the unknown licence plate number written down 😳

  12. As a recovering Iv heroin/ cocaine drug user myself yes narcan only works on opiates it will NOT work on OD'd for cocaine, crack, meth ect. Weather this was a homicide or not at the VERY least it was neglegence!! Who TF see's their so called "friend" or heck a random stranger or enemy having a seisure and just leaves them!!! That in its self is in my opionon man slaghter iean if its true and he was having a seisure if hed gotten help as soon as armand found him it may have saved his life!! BRUTAL!! I hope the truth comes out!

  13. I don't know the first thing about seizures but I'm pretty sure you check on the person, try to make sure they don't hurt themselves on their surroundings and call a ducking ambulance?? Not just letting them lay there for an hour and go chill..

  14. This case I’m so intrigued in.. I’m also from providence Rhode Island , my daughters name is Natalia and my fiancé is also a carpenter.. crazy

  15. Detectives that work like this should lose there jobs. They have a duty . Obviously they did not. I would take the Detectives to court asking for them to lose there title!!!! This is so disturbing. I honestly can not believe all the evidence that was available BUT only after the scene was compromised.. You know Ormon has every move of a guilty man. They let this case go and the killers walk!! I do pray some type of peace and KARMA finds the wrong do'ers on this one.

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