Take a tolerance break OR ELSE *cannabinoid hyperemesis warning*

Take a tolerance break or else you might risk developing cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. In this brief video Dr. Frank the …


  1. Just FYI, I get a 404 error after I enter my email to access your course. I did receive the email with access, so no worries on my end, just wanted to let you know for your benefit

  2. I just wanted to pop in and say THANK YOU for creating content like this! I really love your personality, and you are so knowledgeable! Personally I am using 2022 to get sober and have found your channel to be so helpful! I’m trying to use my energy from 💨 and converting that energy into growing my fitness YouTube channel that I am SO passionate about, so again THANK YOU! I struggle daily, but I know I am am on a path to sober, healthy living and your content is so helpful!

  3. My girlfriend had this for months… it really did damage to her. Excruciating pain and vomiting. Theres something wrong with some of the strains. How does someone smoke for over 10 years and all of a sudden start getting sick. I think Monsanto introduced GMO strains into the pile

  4. Took a lot of edibles off and on the past 2 years. No chs, but maybe it was because of my diet drinking raw milk and keeping my gut healthy. I am only experiencing insomnia thank god. I feel sorry for you peeps with nausea. Im good at cutting stuff cold turkey. I also cut caffeine before i cut the weed.

  5. I just wanted to share my experience, maybe it’ll help someone. 🙏
    I’ve been a relatively heavy bud smoker for 3,5 years. Started smoking to quit drinking alcohol which I had a problem with. I no longer drink or even want alcohol so ….🤔 I feel like replacing one addiction with another would not be great, although I think alcohol is much, MUCH worse than cannabis. Nothing at all positive to it….

    Tried quitting several times in the last 4 months because I don’t get anything positive out of smoking anymore. I stopped having appetite even after smoking a joint. Perhaps it’s an early onset of CHS? I sure didn’t want to continue smoking to find that out! 😅

    So each time I try to quit, I could not make it past the second day. I am on my second day again today And I don’t feel anywhere near as bad as I did prior. 🙌 When I tried quitting before I would chicken out because of Anhedonia, plus all the physical symptoms were SO BAD! 😅😩
    Was scary… to the point I felt like life isn’t worth living. Crazy shit I know. 😳

    So, day 2 now and other than some hot/cold sweating and fatigue, I don’t feel too bad. The ONLY difference now is that I quit caffeine and sugar about 10 days ago.
    I think my symptoms are much less severe now because my body doesn’t have all this additional stuff it has to detox from. I also did get a decent sleep. Woke up several times, but wasn’t wide awake. Im also taking long (couple of hours) hot bath with Epsom Salt (Magnesium). Being in hot water and having a fan blowing in my face REALLY helps with hot/cold sweat feeling. Plus Vit D and ample Omega 3 fats.
    Made chicken broth with Himalayan salt and that’s what I’ve been eating. I do actually have an appetite for that, but I’ve lost 10 lbs in 7 days in the absence of sugar and not eating as much.
    As for cravings to go smoke again, I have none whatsoever!!!😻
    I’ll keep you guys updated! And good luck on your journey whatever that it!
    P. S. I grow my own so it was never a question of money or not knowing where my bud came from. Love the plant and love growing it but at this time of my life I’m gonna take a long break while I’m still young. Maybe when I’m much older, I’ll get back to growing and using it as medicine again. Who knows? But for now, it’s got to go! 🙏

  6. I was hospitalized for this before. I was so dehydrated that I was losing consciousness, the stomach pains were so bad that all I could do was curl up in a ball and grit my teeth. Chills, uncontrollable shaking and constant nausea. I've never ever felt that sick in my life until then

  7. Several CHS groups on Facebook, I joined all of them, very helpful and supportive. I developed CHS after years in Colorado where my doctors urged me to use pot for chronic hip pain — It's horrible, stopping pot w/ CHS is horrible, never want to smoke again!

  8. Hey Dr Frank. Just wanted to ask, based on your personal experience and experience with your clients and patients, how long does it usually take to get rid of smoker's breath after quitting? I had it real real bad for years. I'm almost 2 weeks smoke free, feeling good, feeling happy. I've noticed the constant sour bitterness at the back of my tongue has reduced, the constant dry cotton mouth too, but I know I still have smoker's breath. Is it permanent? Or do I just need to give it more time? Should my time frame be a few months? Any little helps. Thanks for your time.

  9. I suppose Im one of the lucky ones, weed has never.. Felt good? I guess? Is that what itbis supposed to feel like? The times Ive tried it it was an interesting feeling and made it easier to sleep and get excited about eating food, but beyond that I dunno. I can think of other things more fun and pleasurable and exciting. Is something wrong with me or have I just not have had the proper strain yet

  10. I’m happy to say your videos have been a blessing to me im a week clean from marijuana tomorrow. But I’m still struggling to put the vape down im doing better but not where I’d like to be yet

  11. Wait, so is chs interlinked with IBS? I myself had chs, and still smoked, and it always takes a toll on my digestion, am I messed up for life? Or am I better, off quitting, and letting my body regulate itself? I am for sure quitting. I didn’t know the endo system played a huge role on digestion. 🤦🏻‍♂️ dumb on my part. Please can someone answer this? Addiction mindset?

  12. I quit smoking weed at Christmas and have been watching your videos all the way as guidance. Tomorrow is my 14th day of sobriety which I still can't believe I've managed. I gave up alcohol and vaping 2 years ago but always had cannabis to fall back on and I never ever considered quitting it. The first 72 hours of qutting weed were tough but now my emotions are so well balanced. I used to have a really bad anger problem, even reading content on social media or losing at video games would trigger me. Weed seemed to be a perfect cure but now I have realised that it was weed that caused my anger problem when I wasn't smoking it. I have not felt triggered once since I have been sober. Just have some mild depression on some days but I keep getting better as time goes on. My only real issue is I'm really unproductive and procrastinate a fair bit now, I'm still early in my recovery so I wont let this put me off too much. I guess I just need to get into new habits and keep going in the right direction. Keep up the excellent content, with thanks from London, England 🙂

  13. I'm 105 days sober after having 3 episodes of CHS, I truly wouldn't wish it on anyone. I literally felt like I was going to die. Your videos have helped me quit and stick to it. I never want to feel that way again. It's so good to know that the knowledge of CHS is being talked about more. Thank you for everything you do!

  14. I smoked weed for 4 years. i took a 5 day tolerance break recently and then smoked a big bowl with my buddy. i was terrified of our existence as humans. i thought of the world as a scene in rick and morty like we were so weird and meaningless. that experienced 2 days ago made me throw all weed paraphernalia away and im DONE with weed. Im so grateful to be back to the real world and never going back to weed. what do you think i experienced??

  15. Yo whats up 420 community.
    For the new year i stopped smoking in the morining for a few days and let me tell you
    Wow the difference it makes if you just back up off the normal routine.
    I waited 6 hours before i smoked and i was feeling so much better.
    I dont plan on quitting cause thats harder on my mind than anything.
    Taking a break is enough. having to start over is just mortifying

  16. Good video Dr.Frank. Through finding your channel I've attempted quitting nicotine and THC, I tried to do both at the same time originally and I think that was a mistake. I've noticed early signs of CHS which I found to be really scary so I chose to quit THC first and I am now 2 weeks without THC!

  17. Day 3 here, after 10 years smoking EVERY day…I don't know how this journey will look, but these videos gave me some new kind of feeling that I am not alone in this. Thank you so much

  18. What would a lack of appetite mean after quitting weed, Is it just the withdrawal or should I get checked out? I smoked for 3 years but I smoked daily for about 2 years, I quit on New Years ( I plan on joining the service) and am 6 days in but i struggle to find any food appealing and am not eating much but I try to drink as many fluids as I can. I never heard of CHS while I smoked, I learned about it like 2 days after while doing research ( not gonna lie it’s fairly minimal) into how other people struggle with weed withdrawal so I don’t know if I’m just paranoid and think I have CHS due to a lack of appetite or if my appetite will come back after a few more days and I just need to let the withdrawal take its course. I also struggle with depression to an extent but I have been fine in that sense since I’ve stopped smoking but even when I did smoke I had a loss of appetite due to the depression and lost 70 pounds in a little over 3 months, I used to weigh 250lbs (and I’m a 5’10 19 year old male for context) but now I weigh 155lbs, but that total weight loss is over the course of a year not three months, Ive probably lost like 7lbs since I’ve stopped smoking and like I said it’s only been 6 days. I honestly completely doubt anyone will respond to this but I’m taking a chance someone does and I hope they know more than me but I’ll listen to any advice anyone has, it’s very much appreciated. And to the creator of this channel if you see this I don’t mind if you choose to not respond either way I just want to say thank you for these videos they’ve helped a lot, I’m being completely serious you’re an amazing person for doing these videos to help people get through something that most people don’t want to openly talk about and I wish you good luck in the future.

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