1. I'm surprised he told her to hold it in as long as possible. Anyone who knows cannabis know you don't need to hold it in. Cannabinoids absorb instantly in your lungs

  2. She doesn't seem 2 know the answer 2 the one question or correct response – she seems 2 be very high – that must be some good bud. I don't think a Dark Crystal rolled phatty can compete on the same levels as a Volcano Digital Vaporizer or any good Vaporizer for that matter. 🌌✌️🛸🛸👽🌘

  3. When asked how she feels by her drug habit enablers, she gives the classic stoner response..eyes glazed over staring at nothing with mouth wide open and can't even formulate a simple response.

  4. 347 or 352 is the best way you dont need all this hold in bs or little breaths 98% of thc is absorbed immediately when you inhale. 370 is better after 3 or 4 bags at 350 to finish off the bowl.

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