Raelynn usually has at least one or two seizures at nighttime, right as she’s doing to bed. We often call them her “bedtime seizures …


  1. Life is always beautiful when you have good health. i have be in pain for almost 2 years my son had epilepsy & seizure and I was lonely and sad luckily I was directed to a very kind and Great (dr joseph herbal home) who helped me cure my son and today he is free.

  2. Someone’s sneaking behind you in the mirror, lol ت Having clearer lungs must help Raelynn tolerate her seizures better, and I think you had said she likes the vest👍Sweet dreams Raelynn, hope she slept well after 💙

  3. I have Epilepsy and I am also an Epileptic person ;(

    Please tell Raelynn she is not alone.

    I started having my seizures after getting a really bad head injury one-time and my doctors diagnosed me with epilepsy when i had my first seizure which was 5 months ago. I am trying to go 14 days without any seizures. I have to wear a breathing-tube over my nose to also help me breath at night and a breathing neck thingy around my neck during the day- it's uncomfortable pleas help me;( I also get pushed and bullied around at school because of me being a different person. Those people are just Heartless they have no idea what pain i suffer everyday; and sometimes my classmates say my seizures in class are wasting their class-time which is not my fault. You never know when i am gonna have a seizure anyway, in-fact they yell at me for no reason, and call me a stupid idiot ;C

    Onetime i had this really bad seizure in the middle of the night without even knowing it until my parents told me. My mom told me she heard me screaming all the way from the bedroom and she ran all the way up the stairs to come help me and she dropped all her stuff lol but she got them back after-wards. My dad was next to me during it and helping me. I was just shaking un-construable and making these weird hiccup noises, a few minutes later i passed out and woke up a few hours later in the hospital with these scary machines attached to my body… I'm also on a diet right now because of my recent bad seizures i had in the last few weeks.

  4. Hi Raelynn I've been watching as usual but wanted to comment. I've now got WiFi now I'm home. I have it in hospital but it's restricted comments so can't comment on all videos. Glad her breathing treatments are working she's a trooper. Il be getting a t-shirt just as soon as able were there yellow ones? I'd like a yellow one when I do . Might get two but s small one then amend it for Suzie!

  5. I have a question. I alway wonder if her poor mouth gets so dry. Is she able to have her mouth swabbed with a little water on a sponge or does that choke her? Or is that not an issue due to extra saliva during seizures. Thanks for sharing!

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